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 No.71[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

AMV thread
I know that AMVs aren't as big (or good) as they used to be, but I certainly think they're a lot of fun so lets enjoy the best of it!
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One more tonight


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Although Shay mentioned HMVs (Hentai Music Videos) I'm actually surprised nobody posted any, especially since this thread was made before this board was made SFW… heck Shay didn't even post an HMV when mentioning them! To be fair I only remembered cuz I saw a clip of Moikaloop on youtube recently.

A good one I found too big for leftypol's file-size https://files.catbox.moe/o8j6rl.mp4

And found a Mega with this stuff https://mega.nz/folder/0lMSTbrY#fSkGmyboL900Q3KoHHLPlQ

site with plenty of HMVs https://www.iwara.tv/video/jm0mktpr3lfwk400v


Reposting this cuz its stupid but bangs



Lol I thought this dude had a swastika on his face

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How would communism work on the planet of Namek? How would such a society be organized? What other lefty idea would work well on Namekusei?
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I think they're all capable of telepathy because of their antennae, though the ability to fly is a Ki technique.


It's telepathy necessary for the formation of communism?


Yes. Under communism everyone is capable of telepathy


I think the antennas are for better hearing tbh


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Even humans can learn to use chi to do telepathy in DBZ.

 No.731[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Tomoko thread… why? Because I like the character… and other reasons…
Post lewds (spoilered), memes, edits, pics and anything else related to the subject
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She made a clothing brand in Japan? wtf


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>pic 2
Nice meme for ants.

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Can Ranma get preggers? Could Ranma get preggers with his own sperm between forms? What happens if Ranma gets hit with hot water while preggers?
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I watched Birdy the Mighty recently (the original OVA) and a major plot-point in it is that since Birdy and Tetsuya share a body that transforms between male and female forms, this thread kinda made me consider what would happen if Birdy got pregnant, would the transformation fail? Would the baby be placed in some sort of sci-fi bio-hammerspace, break-down and reform between transformations, male pregnancy? Cursed question I know, but it just popped into my head and wouldn't leave.


Maybe it's like Marvelman where the transformation is actually trading physical forms between dimensions


>Moran's newfound powers allowed him to transform into the incredibly powerful and virtually indestructible Miracleman by saying a magic word: “Kimota.” Soon, he ended up getting two sidekicks – Dickie Dauntless, AKA Young Miracleman, and Johnny Bates, AKA Kid Miracleman – that accessed their powers by saying…
Is this a Shazam rip-off?

>the transformation is actually trading physical forms between dimensions

The thing is that technically Tetsuya's REAL body is being rebuilt, so he's sharing mind and body with Birdy, however when Birdy transforms into Tetsuya, the body doesn't retain her super-strong alien biology, which makes me think her bod convert to human on a cellular level.


>Is this a Shazam rip-off?

Yeah iirc. I can't remember who was ripping off who but I think the brit one came after.

Alan Moore's Marvelman/Miracleman has it so that MM and Moran are actually two separate people, though they do share thoughts somehow.


>Alan Moore's Marvelman/Miracleman has it so that MM and Moran are actually two separate people, though they do share thoughts somehow.
That is pretty similar to Birdy's situation.

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 No.7100[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I heard Nagatoro was adapted recently is it worth watching?
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Why tho? Occasional fucked shit like that pic aside, they make some pretty good art.


seems like a realistic portrayal of the kind of people these characters would grow up to be


Agreed, sad as it is.


Good artist for sure, but interacts with a lot if unsavory stonetoss types


I don't care about shit like that, I'm here for the art not whatever drama may be surrounding their social media, it's why I don't have any social media myself (unless you count this place).

 No.1907[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I see no hentai thread
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This work is about oneofficial Man from Japan that is forced to fellate whole room full of dirty American perverts.


trvthnvke. sex is fascist, anime is fascist. when will you people learn


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>when will you people learn


your goon seshes have consequences you fricking fricks


I mean you're not entirely wrong…


It's hard to explain if you're not terminally online enough but basically futanari fandoms have been steadily hijacked by chinlets seething over artists drawing chicks with dicks but no puss and calling it futa. These chinlets have politicized the word futa, to make it basically mean "biological woman with penis". Except not. If you draw a female figure with a penis and no vulva, explain that this is a cis woman who transformed her female genitals into male ones, it's "not futa". Hermaphrodite? No, they don't actually care about that either, a minority of them pretending to be woke will pay lip service to "reverse futa" existing and that's that. What is the meaning then?

In OPPOSITION to anything even vaguely or ambiguously transgender.

You see now that this is connected to a larger current of rightoidism. The current that seethes over anime & video game characters being transgender, non-binary, queer, etc.

The futa politicization would perhaps be a trivial footnote in the greater culture war, if it didn't reach Japan, the source of futanari pornography.


In 2022 (translated in 2023) a so-called "futanari bible" was released by an artist named yana of the doujin circle nekoarashi. "Futanari? What's that?" attempts to analyze and define futanari pornography while providing exactly zero sources; we are just expected to roll with the bullshit of the author (a common feature of rightoid drivel!). The book asserts that futanari must possess both sets of genitals to be futa, that "obviously" everyone knows this is true. You can tell this author was influenced by Westerners by his usage of the word "dickgirl", a word with absolutely zero presence in Japanese-language hentai slang, a word literally invented on 4chan's /d/ board (/d/ickgirl was once the "ethnonym" for denizens of the /d/ board). And speaking of 4chan, said word when it was invented had no particular meaning than "chicks with dicks". Doubling the revisionism, he claims "dickgirl" means "chicks with dicks but no puss". Zero sources of course. He conveniently fails to mention the multitudes of proofs, both within Japanese futanari fandoms and outside of them, of the futanari culture never literally being about "hermaphrodites", for example the futanari convention Futaket for years accepting artists that draw characters with only one set of genitals and JAVsPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>You most definitely were not
I was.
>If you're not siding with liberal ECelebs, you're a conservative.
Where was that said?
>None of my rhetoric is like theirs.
You repeat their same talking points. Frankly Its not just them. You sound like a lot of right wing grifting e-celebs.
>Shay literally posted himself, and many users also post proofs of being from Russia, China, being Black or Muslim
Whis is still retarded and also could easily be faked. Though it seems you are actually pissed someone from the actual trans group does not agree with you as its hard to pull your bullshit.
>Oh its you. That explains all this bad-faith crap.
Not the guy you are probably thinking of as this is the first time we met.
>I can just as easily use that argument in application to your seethe about people not liking the retconning of characters into being trans.
When did we talk about that?
>and finally, you do not need to be 1:1 with someone to find them compelling,
This is true but its why I call you a right winger and chinletdy. Your main issue seems to be the fact there are minorities more in media. Despite your attempted contrarianism. Its a very easy thing to say when you've always been represented.
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What an unpleasant pile of ad hominum garbage to come back to. I'm going to start off by clarifying that I am into futa, and I find some MtF people that kept their penises sexually attractive. I don't chase because it's purely a visual appreciation for me, I have never felt prejudice against trans people or their presence in media. That does not mean I kowtow to liberal ideology. Trans people deserve representation and rights, that is not the same as supporting capitalism's twisted interpretations of that. The same applies to crossdressers/transvestites; for example Fire Emblem from Tiger & Bunny is a drag-queen superhero, they're a likeable character with trauma and a compelling story, nobody has a problem with accepting their character.
>I was
>Where was that said?
It's implicit, which is exactly the assumptive method you've been using to accuse me of things I've not said.
>You repeat their same talking points…
Nope, you're just claiming that to sound superior, unlike you I never wasted my time watching youtube essays about culture wars from either side, because identity politics is cancer.
>Whis is still retarded and also could easily be faked.
You can't exactly fake a real-time photo with your hand and a hand-written date on a photo. You're deflecting.
>it seems you are actually pissed someone from the actual trans group
Anon, you're the one who is seething about nothing and screaming accusations with little to no basis, and associating them with the people you're obsessed with because you think that validates your claim.
Furthermore at no point do I expect everyone from trans community to have an identical opinion on different matters, however having spoken with many trans people, listened and read what they've said, (You) are exactly like /pol/ in this situation - screaming about drama most people involved do not remotely care about.
>When did we talk about that?
Don't be obtuse
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Thinking with "gotchas" is an emotional child's way of seeing things - again get off this site, you're underage.
>The people who always bring that up were grifters
I don't know what ECelebs brought it up I don't bother listening to political pundits, I knew about it through the Japanese, many of whom were annoyed by Western political insertion, as were trans people. Its even seen in the English and Japanese translations of the game with Bridget continuing to identify as Otoko no Ko, but calling themselves transsexual in the English translation, which contradicts the narrative of their character being forced to dress and behave as a girl counter to their identity, mirroring the Reimer twins somewhat.
>Bridget's story to summarize breifly is that she did indeed prove the supersition of her village stupid. Though she was still not happy. The game and plotline is her finding herself and realizing it.
<Bridget accepting the labels forced onto him against his will is good! Nevermind that Bridget was comfortable being feminine and kept wearing girly clothing, but still wanted people respect the fact that he was 100% a boy and not to misgender or dismiss him!
You're writing fanfiction in your head to fit your narrative. The whole reason he became a bounty hunter was to prove to himself, to the village and the world that he was no less of a man just because he dressed or looked or acted in a feminine way. Bridget's storylines is about going up to various macho characters, asking tips on how to be more manly. To renege on this contradicts his character arc since his introduction of him refusing to be called a girl, and getting depressed about being mistaken for one, because he considers himself a man and was denied being allowed to grow up as one. By retconning him to be trans the story essentially says "The village that hurt him was right, you can force a child become trans through psychological conditioning." That's literally grooming. Hell, grooming victims being traumatized into accepting the role they're groomed into is among the consequences of such abuse. More to the point, as I said earlier, Bridget does not identify as trans in the original JapPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


/anime/ literally has NSFW threads, what the fuck are you talking about. Spoiler and as long as it's not loli it should be ok. Glownonymous uyghas really post the dumbest shit.


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>Bumping this shit-storm of a thread to say dumb shit like this
/anime/ has NSFW content but it ALWAYS has to be spoilered, this did not used to be the case back when the the alt boards were being made, which is why some older threads have unspoilered content. This changed a few years ago - what is meant by 'NSFW allowed' is like /siberia/ where, so long as the OP image is not NSFW you do not have to spoiler images, idiot. It's literally right there >>>/sfw/
Lurk Moar.

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It's going to switch staff and studio again.
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Movies and TV shows probably have different budgets.


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Movie of the Year


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>uygha waited 2 years to post this
But yes I agree, Sylvia is best wife of the series.


Forgot we had a konosuba thread TBH >>23815 (CTRL+ F >>373 for Konosuba posts)
The Megumin spin-off series is coming soon too.

 No.23154[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Why do people constantly call the saga of Tanya Mangaka a communist? just stumbled upon the guy's feed and it's full of boomer takes, SDF shilling(this is the complete antithesis of the JCP), and anti-communist retweets.

On top of that, Riyoko Ikeda(The Rose of Versailles) who was a member of the Japanese communist party in her youth is now doing interviews with LDP and butt buddies with a senior member. The Riyoko one is far more shocking than the nazi anime girl
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>Seeing the manga first hand
So you didn't even see it and passed a judgement on her based on hearsay? Wow. And how is it worse?
>She also talked about trans not being allowed in sports
What specifically did she say? Just saying "She talked about sports" tells me nothing.
I found her blog-post on sports, nothing about it is inherently wrong or bad. She's addressing a real issue and isn't attacking anyone or hurting anyone, just stating facts and wondering what could be done, admitting that she doesn't know everything and is just thinking 'out loud'
Translating a section of her post she says;
>"Sports are exciting to watch because they are fair competitions, and fairness should be maintained…right? …It's no good, I don't have an answer. I have to keep thinking about it so that one day I can say my answer with confidence…"
Which is a civil, fair opinion to express. Stop being transphobic just because she doesn't conform to your opinions.
>If you're actually aware of the bill, it was the most useless piece of legislation and nothing in that manga came close to happening with its enactment.
The bill was enacted in July of 2023, months after the manga was published in early March of 2023, before revisions to the original Bill. Furthermore if you read the manga-piece she's not responding purely to the bill but the questions that prompted this bill and what concerns there would be in the possible future. None of this was stated out of derogatory self-hatred or hatred or others, and is instead a concern for other people as well, politely addressing how other people may feel. As a person in her position she has a right to express an opinion, especially when it's not just emotionally lashing out at others but an actual consideration of the gap between legal intent and execution and how it impacts people.


Creating manga based on right-wing lies and complete fear-mongering isn't reasonable. Everything in that manga was spouted by the extreme right in the leadup to the bills introduction to block it and in the end, it worked, the bill got gutted by the restoration and DPP. Hell, the initial tweet of hers is full of lgbt folk and lawyers calling her manga complete fear-mongering trash


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>rightwing lies
Disingenuous; the only remotely close thing to that was the section man entering a bathroom with women. Considering there are actual real-life precedents where a Male-to-Female trans who was not fully transitioned raped/harassed cis women. An example would be a woman imprisoned at Riker's who was harassed and raped by a MtF trans-woman who had not transitioned fully and there are other such cases.

As a disclaimer, to any /pol/shitters seeking to misrepresent my words: this is not in any way or form implying that trans people are 'more likely' to sexually harass women or any other such bad-faith rhetoric, and trans people certainly face sexual harassment as well; In fact an under-discussed aspect of the bathroom debate is that FtM trans would also be at higher risk of increased sexual assault as well, especially considering aggressive dynamics in male bathrooms. While I most feminist rhetoric is bourg and non-socialist (See Zetkin and Marx) one aspect I have read and agree with is that male-women rape dynamics are differentiated, resulting in different sorts of abuse and harassment, which becomes unfortunately muddled with this question, especially as it is extremely emotional to many people.
To get back on point; The ONLY thing I'm saying is that bad-faith actors exist in any group of people and cis women have a right to feel comfortable and safe just as much as trans people do, that is a consideration people must keep in mind and that is what Mafuyu is saying. She quite literally states repeatedly that "Discrimination at any level is wrong" and "we've (LGBT) been discriminated a lot by some people." So she is in no way transphobic or denying transphobia, and to accuse or dismiss her opinion and experiences as invalid is toxic behavior.

>Everything in that manga was spouted by the extreme right in the leadup to the bills introduction to block it

The right wing says a lot of things and often latch on to otherwise neutral statements. , just because the rightwing may say something does not make a talking point in and of itself right-wing. Regardless, it has nothing to do with her, she's not a policyPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


saw a few trending callout tweets from libs trying to cancel him recently and he thought they were supporting him.


>cis women have a right to feel comfortable and safe just as much as trans people do

Respectfully disagree. I don't think anyone should have the "right" to order society based on their own perceived "feelings" of "comfort."

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 No.10703[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Anime Recommendation List General
Thread to recc anime for anons of leftypol and former bunkerchan to enjoy (or to avoid)
- So-bad-it's-good animu >>2551 - bad anime that can bee enjoyed ironically
- Next season anime watchlist >>346 - anime that are currently being released.
- ANIMETA thread >>10489

>"I have never watched a single Anime nor read a single Manga in my entire life. Where should I start, what are the essentials?"

Anime STARTERs examples
- Any of the Ghibli films for art and culture (See >>469 )
- Fist of the North Star & Desert Punk for post apocalyptic stuff
- Akira, Alita Battle Angel, Jin Roh & Ghost in a Shell (1 and 2) for Cyberpunk (also see >>>/hobby/1782 )
- Naruto, Bobobobo, One Piece & Rave Master for shonen adventure and action (See >>1732 >>510 )
- Gun Buster, Big O, VOTOMs, Gundam & Macross for Mecha (See >>845)
- Tiger and Bunny, One Punch Man & Astro Boy for hero stuff
- Irresponsible Captain Taylor, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, The Legend of the Galactic Heroes, & Space Pirate Captain Harlock space adventure
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Just found out about Gunsmith Cats, pretty fun.


If you liked Gunsmith Cats you'll like Cats Eye the anime. Its free on youtube and is damn good.


So, any 2023 Recommendations lads?


Rewatched Ninja Scroll the movie and the TV-series recently and I've been craving more ninja manga and anime.
There's a silly Ninja harem manga called Ninkoi and another much older one called Rappi Rangai.

While I'm open to suggestions, I'm honestly looking for something closer to Ninja Scroll or Basilisk, but most online lists I've seen for Ninja anime are pretty meh.
I've heard Ninja Kamui and Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku are good, but most other suggestions are mid-shit, neither silly enough to be rom-coms, nor hardcore enough to be Action. Even something like TMNT would be nice.


Forgot to mention that Sword of the Stranger has some similar vibes to Ninja Scroll, though it's technically not about ninja.

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