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This was an experience for me after playing 2. this entry by far the weirdest one being its considerably easier even on harder difficulties most notably guerilla mode due to how easily exploitable the game is, similar to what Bethesda and obsidian did with fallouts difficulty curve. In far cry 2 on infamous difficulty you kind of have to know how to get around without a map to guide you since enemies do just spawn in cars or isolated on roadways and not paying attention to where your going could easily get you killed immediately, this can’t be said for 6 beyond enemy spawn placements and even then
<I’m guessing due to the engine switch this was actually a preformance issue due to script lag on top of new graphics
The ai of far cry 6 was drastically nerfed thanks impart to the whole detection meter thing 3 introduced on top of enemies in general not having the same level of mobility, sense of self preservation and resourcefulness they have in 2. Another major thing is resource management in 2, I actually didn’t have a problem with being constantly low on ammo on infamous as I already got somewhat decent at the game after beating it on hardcore which made running out of ammo for poor sim frequent but not impossible to get over with good positioning. This just doesn’t matter at all in guerrilla mode because Ubisoft gave the player way too many guns and gadgets they can carry at any given time to the point where I felt like I was playing doom at times due to how little thought I could give towards stealth in favour of just rushing through outposts. What a difference in time and game design


sure, but lookit them grayphics


I’m kind of amazed knowing this was released this year. This feels like a 2000s game idk, maybe I was expecting too much of what gaming would look like in the future than accept that living in a vr fantasy or playing some super well animated and detailed physics based masterpiece of a pc game would be common in the 2020s


i prefer that they give me a million Pizza Towers and Ultrakill's than anymore of these Triple A garbage that is all Ray-tracing and Realistic graphics and nothing else.


Good unlike transhumanist ultrakill game


>muh troons


I think he meant transhumanist as in transhumanism because ultrakill is about AI revolution taking over and destroying all humans


Wow needs an activate button. Games since the mid 2000s have been implementing a designated hotkey to interact with NPCs, objects, and items and it’s a shame wow doesn’t despite all the accessibility features it’s given to its users paired with the addon support. Same goes for osrs. Also I find it weird how they still don’t have an option to keep the mouse locked with the camera to move around like again nearly every other game has since the mid 2010s


Man I wish the Crysis series hadn't shit the bed so hard


I wish crytec would release a game at least hunt is good and crysis 4 is in development


It is crazy how CoD and these other games are basically help train and reframe the US military's image

Are there people who play CoD games that are still anti-us military?


Who tf plays cod and genuinely believes anything that’s represented in the us army by it is accurate?


People under 18 and some adults


general milley will lead us down the burmese path to socialism


The Chinese assault rifle from fallout 3 is literally just a rusty version of the ak74 wtf how is it Chinese????



Wait but the model for that variant is different from the one in the game most noticeably the stock


yes but there have been plenty of chinese ak knockoffs. it's also 100+ years after when the ak was invented so it's reasonable for it to diverge a bit. basically it seems the devs just wanted to put in AK in the game as it's an iconic cold war weapon, but the ussr in this timeline is a second string player to China which is the main power in conflict with the usa so they called it a chinese rifle


Post TES IV Oblivion memes
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i one shotted the heart of lorkhan by fortifying attack a ludicrous amount. there's only two ingredients in the game that fortify attack and one of them is from an expansion.


the game breaks if you do that though. you won't be able to end the game, so i regreted doing it lol


lol nice
I guess I'll continue with the main quest then, which seems tedious at this point





Pfffftahahahahahaha on par with the definitive edition of gta
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it's flat out ridiculous that they are charging £49.99 for this anyway for a game that came out like 8 years ago


At least modders can fix this


seems kind of counterproductive when they want the last of sus to be some sort of multimedia franchise




Ok last screenshot
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Yeah I know that, I was just saying.


Lee killed a dude for sleeping with his wife


Yeah that's pretty understandable and happens IRL. If I include her the fan wiki puts his kill count at 24 total including zombies. Joel had been surviving in the apocalypse for 20 years by the time the main story begins and he kills in the hundreds just during the course of the game. Lee's part of the games takes place over a few months. Based on the wiki Lee dies at 105 days into the apocalypse, which is right before Rick's group find Woodbury and the Governor in the comics and during the time skip between seasons 2 and 3 of the show for reference. Also technically speaking Lee jobs to a random zombie, so that's a pretty major anti-feat if we're doing a who would win here.

Lee's obviously a more interesting character though, and his game is much less schlocky and actually broke ground.


I don't care if he is a good character, I'm not touching anything Walking Dead.


Why not? The (Telltale) games are really good. The show was forgettable but that has nothing to do with anything. The comic was okay, Y the Last Man is better though.


Slow progression in older games feels way less brutal than in contemporary ones and I finally understand why. It’s diablo 2s fault, and the reason is balance. Progression based off understanding vs progression based off a players stats is what makes grind feel terrible, in the case of the former the effect is far less severe as you can still progress through the game you play without interruption but for the ladder suddenly the gear you have on you, or your items, or your team if your playing a turn based games becomes everything about the games progression itself and suddenly when that gear isn’t constantly coming the game feels like shit

Diablo warrior didn’t have this problem despite progression being even slower and more painful because it was closer in its setup to a classic rpg, diablo 2 made the original generally more casual and soon after it caused hordes of titles inspired by it to emerge including the even bigger grind fest that is d3 and this cancerous component of game design that used to be ignorable is now what greedier game devs abuse to push micro transactions in the form of boosts and p2w bs in their games
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Diablo 2 was the shit, I loved playing it.


No idea what you are talking about.
Even more popular rpgs from the 90s like final fantasy 6 could get kind of grindy.


>Diablo 2 invented grind in gaming
Final Fantasy, Hydlide, Ys…


grinding was always a part of RPGs


It became such a problem in TTRPGs, that DMs started doing "milestone levels".
Instead of grinding on rats to level up before the next side quest, you merely get levels by actually roleplaying


I can’t take bethesdas morrowind like philosophy attached to how they balance their popular titles, all it creates are broken highly exploitable and simultaneously highly difficult games that feel horrible to play and completely reliant on cheese and mashing to succeed in. I don’t want this for a completely new untouched IP

Ubisofts art and writing teams have no understanding of the concept of character development and worldbuilding at all and consistently make boring open worlds with terribly put together content that only the power of half decent gameplay can hide that grow less and less immersive as detail and physics is cut out of them

D4 I am hoping turns out like D1 if something happens where blizzard actually listens to veterans of their community, and dont overbloat its progression completely over the other elements of its environment and lore purely to appeal to casual gamers. I don’t want to spend hours coming up with trillion DPS builds while loot falls from the sky while basic elements of open world design in an open world game are ignored

I fucking love these IPS and really want to see genuine change for the better for them. They don’t have to suck as much in their current state as much as they do, please be different

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