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Kiwifarms encourages the use of TOR and VPNs
but if I go to kiwifarms.ru (net is blocked by cuckflare) the ddos Guard shows up. Of course the first thing that makes be a bit mad is the need of javascript but well it is what it is now no need to be mad at the moment but, i dont know why it just wont show me the captcha.

i went to the offical ddos guard site, which uses the same anti ddos service ofc, and the captcha appears. I enabled everything, javascript etc. standard browser settings on Tor/tails. still, on the actual kiwi farms it wont show it.

is it me, or kiwifarms?? i cannot currently use a vpn like mullvad because im using tails. and because I dont have money for it. Is there any solution, can i even do anything about it?
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>When do you think they will have a working .onion? is it even talked about?
Probably, I have no inside view though


kiwifarms was a shithole that deserved to die long time ago
>>he is mad his favorite bullying webstite got taken down
get fucked dipshits you all deserve it


Kiwifarms is a shitty fascist website. This should have been gone long ago with fucking everyone that uses it.


You can just check their telegram for updates about their site hopping and so on if you care.

Can't say I'm particularly bothered by Cloudflare dropping them. What bothers me more is I heard about another forum that Cloudlare collaborated with the FBI creating fake logins to track the users, though I am neither totally certain what that forum did (troll raids I think?) nor whether Cloudflare was forced to act like it did because of laws.

>kiwifarms was a shithole
Anon I…


Cloudflare is known to release people's personal data to Kiwifarms

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I'm trying to reset my IP address.
I'm supposed to type ipconfig/release into the command prompt window, then ipconfig/renew. When I typed ipconfig/release this came up.
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Thank so much. Would that let me escape a ban from 4chan?


not if you're range banned


Literally just unplug your router and plug it back in and if that still doesn't work you have to wait for it to change naturally which can take hours to days.


How did you change you IP in the first place? I assume your PC does not act as a router. Your PCs IP is only relevant to your router and other devices on the LAN. 4chan sees the IP (or NAT sth) of your router. Many routers dynamically assign their IPs, so restarting it could change the IP.


Aww, cool, thanks!
>How did you change you IP in the first place?
I didn't…what did I say to indicate I did?
I made this thread to learn how to do that.


imagine using apple products
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Yet with the original Machintosh we had a console marketed as a computer, this is why the Mac 128k and 512k are so hard to upgrade even today. Meanwhile the Atari ST and Amiga can be easily hot rodded with PPC accelerator cards, SSDs, DVD drives, mpeg decoders, floppy emulators and ethernet.


We should get a retro computer thread going at some point


>preferred design principles
Apple users will literally complain about how they have to buy proprietary peripherals and how their messaging app doesn't work with non-apple users, but then go right ahead continuing to purchase apple products anyway.


no way i don't believe that


Remember a couple years ago when Apple phones had some amazing for that time AI auto-correcting texts based on the most common expressions of its user base and it corrected almost anything to cum farts and the users were all like oooh what a crazy program bug that is hahaa and then the "silly programmers" had to "fix" the "bug"?

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This is your science on capitalism.

Oxford Physicist Unloads on Quantum Computing Industry, Says It's Basically a Scam
>"In essence, the quantum computing industry has yet to demonstrate any practical utility..

>"I’m disturbed by some of the quantum computing hype I see these days."
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The problem with neural networks is they only brute force thus why human speed runners can still run circles around neural networks as humans can understand how to break a game while also knowing the that program flags need to be triggered else they can get in a unwinnable state, something much harder to do through brute force.

When planning an economy you have the same issue with humans actually able to make logical causal links rather then simply trying everything till you get a good result.


I don't agree that neural networks force anything more than a human child forces things as it is growing and learning. There is certain element of chaos and uncertainty that a simple algorithm probably couldn't handle, but neural networks are better at working with chaos and with limited data than just list of "if this then that" type of simple algorithms that sometimes pass as an AI. I guess we can agree that at some level planning will need computers, programs at varied levels of complexity.

Could I make the argument that this is mostly a problem of insufficient datasets used for training and/or lack in the scale of neural network, since that is pretty much what separates a human (or animal) mind and a current neural network. Not that it probably needs nearly the levels of human complexity to provide results at human level or even better since it will be a specialized thing and when it makes a mistake it will be corrected and it will be improved. Unlike a human that might repeat the same mistake multiple times or at least multiple humans from generation to generation could repeat the same mistake multiple times.

What I however am a bit worried about is "black boxing" the whole planning process with neural networks and algorithms and such. I'm not afraid of any machine uprising, but it's dangerously undemocratic if nobody or only a select few can tell how and on what basis were these certain planning results reached.


>neural networks bruteforce
Literally that's what hyperparameters and network design spaces were invented to prevent!


It's more accurate to say the applications are much more narrow than the hype makes it seem. They won't be replacing traditional computers.


We don't yet have universal quantum computing. As I know all of them are specific built for solving a specific quantum algorithm. Also quantum computer don't much benefit every day user at best they are great for science and encryption.

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Which language is better? Python, C++ or C#?
I want to learn how to plan an economy so i can work in OGAS or CYBERSYN 2.0 as Cockshott's successore.
I also want to be able to be a 1337 H4X0R and program an AI version of myself so that if i die, the AI can continue unlocking files on a mysterious and broken, powerless computer which i fixed in my spare time so that my friends (who have been trapped inside of a school and forced to kill eachother to escape) can figure out who the mastermind is.
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real successful adults pull themselves up by the bootstraps and accept work for ICE and the Pentagon


>These are about java 8 so be sure to read a few more modern features documentation on java 11+ like lambda expressions, streams and functional interfaces.



If you are an absolute novice with zero experience spend a couple of months learning Javascript , along with CSS and HTML . This will teach you the basics of programming .
Geeksforgeeks and W3Schools will be useful resources for this phase of your education.

Then move on and spend a year or two mastering C , C++ & C# to learn the principles of Object Oriented Programming . Refer to the books attached to this post for guidance.

During this time experiment with languages like Python & Rust to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying structures needed for programming.


"how to plan an economy"
I have several years of coursework in computer fields at a college level.
Lets separate this problem.
1. Programming Problems: You need a lot of things to run very fast which means C++.
2. Economic problems: If it was trivial, more would do it. Do you feel you know enough about money, resource allocation, and supply chains to describe this, and how they would interact with the world.
3. AI Problems: Even with several years of computer science, I can't tell you anything about Tensorflow.

Problems that need solving for the left that are easy:
1. Browse r/SelfHosted and self host some things not over the Internet for only people on your local WiFi.
2. Operate CNC and 3D Pritners with code that already exists.

What I think:
1. Is this a joke or fiction I don't understand
2. Are you trying to make simple code that runs on a tiny CPU that only manages 10 resources across 50 nodes or are you going for full hell trying to simulate a whole country?
3. People think about going into video game design because they love games. They find out games are hard and require teams of hundreds to make mediocre games. This is also the case with computer science. They start out thinking they will make something great. Either they make a self contained C++ code that does something small for themselves, they contribute to an open source project, they dish out the money from the people who know what they are doing, or they give up and only code if they get paid.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>Javascript , along with CSS and HTML
lmao. This was my introduction to programming and it was a horrible experience. Javascript and the dom are a blight on computing.
Novices should learn any language with a comprehensive beginner's guide that interests them. People have posted tutorials for python, scheme and haskell in this thread. Rust, ruby, go, ada, elixir and forth also have very good documentation.

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You should be allowed to install and use whatever programs you want if you know more than your works IT department. What I’m saying is I’m turning my office computer into a seedbox.
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I've found so much stuff on soulseek that i couldn't find anywhere else


Under infosocialism everyone will own multi petabyte hard drives specifically for uploading and downloading open source media.

Not seeding your torrents will get you struggle sessioned.


how do i get started with soulseek, is it more complicated than private groups and qbittorent


just install nicotine+ on loonix and youre set
search around for users with good standing and read their about me in case they set rules for downloading stuff


Such as?

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So has anybody looked into Locutus, it's a decentralized network made by the creator of freenet
introduction video: https://invidious.sethforprivacy.com/watch?v=d31jmv5Tx5k

it's supposed to be
decentralized client-side peer to peer platform that other applications can be build on top off
can do distributed real time data base and distributed computation
build in rust, web assembly and react
user interface through the web browers
very hard to censor,
very robust against ddos,
not anonymous by default but compatible with additional anonymizing layers
much improved routing for greater efficiency and scalability (I have to admit i didn't entirely understand the metaphors that explain how they improved the routing)
it also has a reputation system


Is there an idiot proof gui implementation?


>Is there an idiot proof gui implementation?
I don't really know, i think you have to install the locutus software that runs as a background service and then everything else is done via the browser.
I suppose you can say that's a gui implementation.

I don't know how idiot proof it will be, this is brand spanking new, i would say pre-alpha software.
At the moment you have to download and compile the source code from github if you want to play with it



if they want to filter you, and they might initially, then probably not.

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You ever notice no serious panels or commentary on climate justice would include Shell execs but it's typical to see people from Google and Facebook speak on AI, content moderation, “building a better internet,” etc.


It's too hard for people to understand, most normies think Google and Facebook engineered the internet.


I also dislike overestimating the capabilities of these corporations and the press always taking them at their word about their achievements.


On the eve of the election for president of Brazil, the Army simulated a cyber war against a group of "proletarian ideals".
Organized by the Army's Cyber ​​Defense Command, the Cyber ​​Guard 4.0 military exercise created a fictional war scenario in which participants had to fight a political organization called "Ideal Proletário Pantaneiro", identified by the acronym IPP.
The activity, according to the Brasil de Fato portal, was the starting point for the Brazilian Army's activities to guarantee the fairness of the campaign and the October elections.
In the imaginary geopolitical context of the Brazilian Army, the regime with "proletarian" ideals demands from its opponents the "demarcation of reserves" that would originally belong to its territory.
According to the narrative, the lack of recognition of this "alleged historical right" caused the IPP to militarily occupy the disputed region.
Minister of the STF, Luiz Edson Fachin, during a plenary session in Brasília
The military onslaught of the "proletarians", according to the exercise, "led the Security Council of the UN [United Nations Organization] to end diplomatic negotiations and to approve a resolution that foresees a military intervention", commanded by a "multinational military force with the aim of defeating the paramilitary group IPP".
The scenario created by the Brazilian military is part of the fourth edition of Guardião Cibernético, held annually by the Army. The event, which brings together government agencies and companies such as Cisco, Claro and Kryptus, took place between the 16th and 19th.
The simulated war environment, with references to left-wing ideas as "enemies", was conceived by the Ministry of Defense for another exercise, Operation Meridiano, a joint simulation of the Army, Navy and Air Force that took place in Pará in October 2021. .
It is worth remembering that the Army's Cyber ​​Defense Command was represented by General Heber Portella in a commission created by the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) to oversee the October elections.



Cyber pandemic here we come!


I'm sure this is the least fascist the brazilian army can get.


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> Brazilian Army

> Brazil military ‘posed as NGOs on social media’ to play down deforestation
> Facebook owner Meta removes network from social media in move which could damage President Jair Bolsonaro
> ‘They created Pages that posed as fictitious NGOs and activists focused on environmental issues in the Amazonas region,’ the Meta report said. Photograph: Mauro Pimentel/AFP/Getty Images
> Thu 7 Apr 2022 18.23 BST


> 'January 6th All Over Again': Facebook Accused of Fueling Bolsonaro's Coup-Mongering
> "Meta is actively helping mobilize an online army in Brazil that's peddling conspiracy theories about the integrity of the election and threatening a violent coup," said one campaigner.
> September 6, 2022

""" Trailing badly in the polls with the presidential election less than a month away, far-right Brazilian leader Jair Bolsonaro is attempting to galvanize his supporters with incendiary rhetoric and lies about the integrity of the vote—and Facebook is supplying him with a megaphone to do so.

That's according to a new report released Monday by SumOfUs, a global group that's been tracking Facebook's failure https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/08/15/facebook-appallingly-failed-detect-election-misinformation-brazil-says-democracy to combat blatant disinformation on its platform ahead of Brazil's closely watched October 2 presidential election.

The report finds that Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp—each owned by Meta—"are being used by Bolsonaro and his allies to push election lies and grow Brazil's own 'Stop the Steal' movement," a reference to former U.S. President Donald Trump's effort to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential contest. """

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how can one find hidden boards in alt-chans? brute forcing is simply not a good option.
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Unless unless it shows up on a search engine somewhere

Most search engines allow you to append site:foo.bar.com to your search to limit the search to one website

You might get lucky


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Might as well answer this: no. However the old server did have /assembly/ where we voted on proposals. It's actually still up.


People said dictionary attack, and sure while a dictionary attack inherently has possible answers that aren't checked, many imageboard might have a /j/ or /z/ or /test/.
Additionally, like you said in >>16602 , it could be publicly indexed. I found a secret press login subdomain for a television channel through shodan.

This, it's how most people find /dead/. THIS THREAD IS PROBABLY HOW PEOPLE ARE FINDING /DEAD/.



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thanks developer anon


>Compare with army recruitment shills pushing the term for the horrible crime of rape to mean "winning/defeating" in every venue in which teenage permalosers naturally gather, to make it clear to even the dumbest permaloser that the reward for signing up is victory rape
This is a thing?

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