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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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The story of this video is the US forces being overwhelmed by the yellow hordes, that is the standard propaganda narrative, so I'm guessing it's not accurate.

On the technical side: China has focused more on rocket forces than air force, they would launch a lot of anti ship missiles instead of jet fighters to sink US warships. Chinese air to air missiles don't seem to be able to hit US fighter planes. I don't know the technical specs but that feels like plot armor for the main protagonist.


>The story of this video is the US forces being overwhelmed by the yellow hordes, that is the standard propaganda narrative
Yeah because the scenario involves a single carrier group operating in the China sea. Obviously the Chinese are going to have a numerical advantage since they can deploy forces from the mainland.


Is this the simulation where China attacks with aircraft first instead of attacking with missiles first and using aircraft later to finish off survivors?


The aircraft are used to "use up" interception missiles from the US destroyers and cruisers so they will be more vulnerable to the DF-21.


China has enough rockets in the coastal defense system to drown the interceptors with sheer volume of fire. Seems unrealistic.
The US best option is to draw the Chinese outside of their land missile range while bombarding their sea bases on the artificial islands to cut them off.


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