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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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Can soldiers shoot cops of the enemy? Is this mentioned in the Geneva Conventions?


No police is civilian.
But when they have machine guns, flack jackets and helmets like in your pic, do they really count as police anymore ?
If they look like soldiers, and are armed like soldiers, they will be considered as combatants. Because you can't expect soldiers to be able to tell the difference in battle conditions.


yeah this seems correct. RoE would never allow soldiers to just walk into an ambush for example


Journalists should be considered combatants and legitimate targets in war.


For the purposes of the Geneva Convention police count as noncombatants as long as they're not, you know, being combatants.

Journalists should be shot on sight, war or not.


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No, that's another meme. This one is called the soyjak.


Under international law, any combatant can be engaged as an enemy. If police fight in a war, they can be shot. However you can't just go around massacring cops if they aren't fighting.
That's not true. Police in most countries are legally civilians. In common law states, the power of arrest comes from the ancient right to bring an accused criminal before a court. In the US, cops are basically just a privileged class of civilians who get access to cool guns and the ability to get away with murder.

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