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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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Discussion place for the worst things to come out of the firearms community/industry. Includes bad guns, bad deals and bad people. Really just a place to shoot the shit that bothers you.


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Maybe not bothering but seriously, what the fuck is this


I guess today Gyrojet is finally feasible with additive mass production SLS.


rhodieboos and their consequences have been a disaster for the gunbro race


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before libruls go volunteer to ukraine give them this


what are the most chinlet kino guns?


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hello :)


nah the calico is cool. perhaps I should have said poljakcore. the tec-9 perhaps, for its use in Columbine


why are so many guntubers raging anti communist rightoids? seriously how hard is it to find even one non insane, based communist guntuber?


because leftists dont show off there guns nor fetishize them, they use them.


hikok45 might be a commie


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karl from inrange is a comrade. a bit anarchist still, but give him time. also ian is at least not a chvd, but he does drop the occasional anti-communist nonsense

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