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Any Furuya Minoru fans here? I think /leftypol/ would like their work.

I think my favorite is Boku To Issho. Fucking hilarious. It's about these two brothers that become homeless after their parents die and then they team up with this other kid who's a veteran homeless kid and their struggles with survival.


>Tomioka Yuji is a 32-year-old night-shift guard for mall. He works completely alone, so he often slacks off, exercising and hanging out on the roof. In some ways, the job is perfect for him, as he's always been terrible with people. However, he can't help feeling incredibly lonely and wishing he had friends.
Another good one.

>Ciguatera thor of Ping Pong Club and Himizu, though less comedic than the former and less soul-crushingly depressing than the latter.


This one is kind of depressing. They made this one into a live action movie never seen it tho.

You can read here:


Gonna give it a shot


gay ur gay

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