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PV for the adaptation is finally out.
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Question, when Makima and Denji went on a movie date, and she cried during it, do you think that were her genuine emotions, or was she just mirroring Denji to manipulate him further? I am leaning towards latter.


at first i thought she was faking it but ive been convinced by my peers that she was genuine. she does desire intimacy, its just ironically the way she forms all relationships through domination and power serves to only alienate herself even further and thus lead to when she actually is alone with Pochita, she has no idea who Pochita is and how to actually relationship


Thinking about it from storytelling perspective, its not shown what they are crying over. If it did, that would communicate to reader something about Makimas character, but thats not the focus here, what is is both of them expressing the same emotion. So considering that it was made explicitly clear at the end of part 1 Makima never cared about Denji in the slightest, I am concluding that those were also just fake emotions.


I've seen this a mile away.


Gendo or Makima? Who's a better uncaring boss for their emotionally unstable teenage monster fighter?


Denji isnt unstable though, if anything he is extremely resilient.


True he would have gotten in the robot no problem.


it actually depends on the situation, he probably wouldn’t if not given a “good” reason.


He'd do it for that Makimussy.


He would jump into a robot just so that Rei wouldn’t have to suffer any longer


He would do it just because fighting aliens with a giant robot is fun.


the real question is would denji fuck kaworu


Denji is a misandrist, the only man he ever loved was Aki. He refuses to even befriend other men. But he did fantasize about angel devil once.


Chainsaw man part 2 is RANCID. Insane how a series went from a 9/10 by manga standards to outright a 2/10. Literally everything is orders of magnitude worse to the point that it feels like bad fanfiction.


Fire Punch is the best thing Fujimoto ever wrote.
Chainsaw man covers similar themes but has more mass market appeal, and is worse for it.
Reading CSM 2 feels like an editor has a gun to his head.
All of his assistants' manga capture only the wackiness and none of the substance.


PV for the Reze movie just dropped. Looks like no more Nakayama, which is great. Even if his "cinematic live action style" was valid it doesn't excuse the fact that his directing would still be subpar for a live action movie lmao. The guy thought he was Tarantino or the Coen brothers or some shit when he was dropping something closer to a Paul W. S. Anderson style turd.


could you tell what was wrong with the way that guy directed?


hmm imo the action cut scenes werent that bad, its just the lighting and framing decisions were questionable. with the newly added scenes like the drunk himeko scene, it seemed to have a good grasp of both, but in the Makima train scene, all of that seemed to go straight out the fucking window. like it seemed inconsistent


By his own words he tried to make Chainsaw Man look cinematic while having an incredibly narrow sense of what "cinematic" means so he failed to capture the appeal of the manga, despite some scenes here and there being very good. The manga has a lot of expressiveness in characters and the volume covers as well as any colored art Fujimoto put out had very striking and stylized colors, the anime had limited expressions to be more "realistic" and had very mono colors because only action movies are cinema, duh.

It's funny to see all the "Of course Chainsaw Man flopped in Japan, the japanese only like pedo pandering shit!" posts about the anime sales since the Manga was (and still is) very popular in Japan. Its almost as if the way they adapted the series just didn't resonate over there!


Very much doubt that they'll just walk back the sort of aesthetic S1 had, after all Mappa clearly believed in it too and you can't just have entries that are totally different visually. If nothing else maybe they'll give it a bit of flair for the fights. If it sucks I'll stop bothering with Chainsaw Man adaptations.


Didn’t Mappa animate attack on titan’s last seasons? The artstyle shift was pretty noticeable in that one. Same thing with jjk s2, which sometimes even had some stylistic shifts during fights. It probably all depends on the team and director, wether or not s2 will be too different from s1.


I just realized something. CSM is basically Scott Pilgrim with demons and the protagonist not getting laid. If it was more like Scott Pilgrim Denji would be getting laid no problem.


>CSM is basically Scott Pilgrim with demons
How so


also the main guy is not a pedophile! small difference tho


Socially awkward guy meets emotionally cold girl and tries to win her heart throughout the entire run.
A "pedophile" as in "dating one girl who's a year a year before the age of majority for a short time without even as much as kissing her while otherwise having relationships with adult women."


>>22771 (me)
Also a reminder that Scott was basically friendzoning Knives the entire time while she tried to force herself upon him without his consent TWICE out of jealousy for Ramona. But if that counts…


>Socially awkward guy meets emotionally cold girl and tries to win her heart throughout the entire run.
So nothing at all alike.


I said it reminded me of that. Specifically the romance part and how it connects to all the action. But otherwise you're right.


my dude denji has hit another low will they recover


our son was born to suffer


I have feeling it will go the way firepunch did. Maybe a bit more wholesome and less edgy.


< Fujimoto needs to write something like Fire Punch again as a sort of “rent lowering gunshots” for his fandom


I think the plot of Chainsaw Man is ass and the characters are too… BUT the fight scenes are metal as fuck NGL.


The fight scenes are incredibly short each time (that's what makes them good).


Yeah, basically this


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pretty good chapter this week


I like how Fujimoto made sure to display how even in an apocalyptic scenario the capitalist system still tries to keep on going and that people are so alienated that they care more about some dumbass celebrity rather then the fact that there is a zombie apocalypse going on.


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Lovin the new chapters.


What the fuck is even going on here?


>I love how Fujimoto made sure to display what I want to see in his work, amazing how this man can read my mind and 100% agree with my interpretation of his work at the same time.


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>People walking over corpses of humans that were turned into chainsaw zombies, taking part in the day to fay life, buying produce and working.
>News are reporting an adultery scandal rather then on the chainsaw zombies or the break in into the special devil containment facility.
>It’s mentioned that some people are stuck in their houses pranoid beliveing all kinds of conspiracies, but rather then reporting on that the news are more interested in discussing the conspiracy theory about a celebrity not actually taking part in an adultery.
>One of the side characters who directly participated in all of the events cares more about the adultery scandal reported on tv rather then the things he went trough.

I’m not saying csm is communist or whatever, but like the text is right there. Or is csm about epic chainsaw dude killing demons and touching bazonkas!


Honestly I'm kind of getting a similar vibe from it too. CSM's world is an openly cynical one full of utterly brain-broken people


The media and public at large are like this is because devils get stronger with fear. It might also be intended as le social critik but the main reason is that. Honestly I'm glad the comic is seemingly back to being unhinged.


In other news I just found out they're adapting Look Back and it honestly feels like they're capturing Fujimoto's style and vision better than the Chainsaw Man anime did.


I really want to write a Chainsaw Man fanficiton in which the rules are changed a little bit regarding the function of devils to not just be representations of fears but also more like physical manifestations of various parts of the social superstructure. A such, the increase of devil violence is literally a mirror for capitalist crisis and the sharpening of class struggle in this alternate history where the USSR continued to exist.

The Commodity Devil profanes all things holy, melting everything that appears solid into air.
The Collectivisation Devil is a capitalist's worst fear, making people around it unable to identify the abstract exchange value in commodities.
The Ghost of Lenin is a literal spectre haunting the world, a shadow of generations of martyrs past.

Silly little things like that.


I am fairly sure I remember it was at some point explicitly stated that the authorities are censoring Devil incidents in order to keep their power in check.


Communism that doesn't include devils is revisionist and counterrevolutionary.


Communism that doesn't include devils is revisionist and counterrevolutionary.


I think Fujimoto is trying to comment on the tendency of people ignoring their problems. It doesn’t exactly seem like the whole censorship thing is actually helping, 7 out of 20 people die due to devil attacks. Ignoring shit doesn’t actually help, people are just keeping their emotions and true feeling hidden. And the death devils seems to be coming whether or not the censorship stays.


Somehow of all the deranged things the past few chapters have thrown at me, the panels of Famine just clamly gorging herself on any food she can find with her bare hands is somehow the most deviant thing in there. Real David Lynch shit

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