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File: 1653357156874.jpg (355.91 KB, 1920x1080, 1642967335037.jpg)


why is it called trigun if hes only carrying a single gun


the second gun is his penis. the third gun is his mind


>cannon hidden in prosthetic arm
>real arm can morph into an energy beam shooter
See? Three guns…


his name reminds me of the obese amerimutt cia agent


He has 3 different ones they just look the same


because he TRIes to GUN his enemies but he's not very good at it


File: 1693596721299.jpg (25.08 KB, 680x350, Trigun Stampede.jpg)

Trigun remake was a mistake


everyone seems to like it, but ngl the og 2d anime design is really charming


I loved the original but didn't really care for this remake. I thought they took everything that made the original interesting and tossed it out the window.


I like both designs tbh. They both exemplify their given aesthetic eras in visually striking ways


Checked, I guess GETS say you're right.


File: 1713911754305.png (150.13 KB, 298x284, ClipboardImage.png)


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