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Will all their shows be overrated now or is their pity factor no longer as important now ukraine gets more attention? They've done absolutely nothing new since 2013 they've kept milking the same yaoi- and yuri-bait shows for a decade. Together with their boring in-house LN adaptations. When will they do something innovative again? Can we finally just agree that VEG is boring, lacks subtlety, amateurish emotionally manipulative drivel.


I like K-On!


Also why's the girl manspreading lmao. This is so poorly written.


I like BL and GL shows.


>When will they do something innovative again
They should make the same episode of Miss Kobayashi eight times.


File: 1653770079035.jpg (260.56 KB, 1113x1080, elma says labor rights.jpg)

yeah but with the elma spinoff


Didn't they suffer an arson or something? Give them a break dude


that show was bad


> VEG is boring
It’s really bad, yeah.


Then you don't like KyoAni.


ah good the "not real x" autists are here


Considering the replies, nobody seems to like KyoAni, or anything at all really.


Are you referring to >>15219? If so what KyoAni shows do you think count as BL or GL?


You can't just dismiss something with defiant namecalling. Well you can, but it's not really believable. If you consider the post 2013 shows from KyoAni in any way shape or forme BL/GL then all the more power to your delusions. I won't dare to defy your view, or care to. I rather talk about SoulTaker.

SoulTaker is great. The hotdog line in the first episode was more memorable than the entirety of VEG.


maidragon isnt yuri or whatever despite the author explicitly being into that


did someone just say shit about the soultaker anime?


this but unironically, more chorogon representation


does anybody here also think that most of kyoani's products are fascistic in nature?


what the fuck does that mean?

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