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Look at those models look at that facial expression
This looks like a fucking ps3 game holy is that what they actually showed? How hard is it to do something as simple as come up with a functional style for 3d art. Fucking westerners have pulled it off just fine since fucking ever, Lego movies, spider verse, bad guys, Pixar’s style, fucking even sonic had its moments holy how in gods name did they make this fucking looks like some dogshit bootleg looking ass dumpster fire of a frame make it into the shot for the thumbnail of the show ahahahahahahahahahahahahah


the sameface of this artist is really a turn off, not even getting into the actually awful plot of the first season that was so disconnected from any of SACs themes.


Oh shit GitS is in Kingdom Hearts 3! Cool


what the fuck netflixbros, i thought we could into cgi?? what about anime zootopia???????


At least the SFM hentai is going to be great


>jacking off to poorly rendered blender animations of a literal android


okay cunt what are you cranking it to


Quite literally nothing

Can’t fucking bring myself to wank off. I want real sex with a bitch I give a shit about



sucks 2 b u


lol fag


<not green text just amazed by how fucking accurate this satirized image still is


Thanks for another high quality post on /anime/.


That doesn't even describe the current situation you brainlet


File: 1656533534548.png (717.97 KB, 800x950, ClipboardImage.png)

I miss when Oshii made movies as good as Ghost in the Shell '95.


Wait this apparently aired in 2020? I hadn't heard a single thing about it until this thread lmao


This picture is pporly related to the topic but when it's usually posted It makes me think of the following.
Someone with arachnophobia usually try to cut off spiders from his life, he avoids thinking about it and change the subject if spiders are mentionned in a conversation.
An arachnophobe don't spend hours telling the world how he hates spider, makes infographs about the number of people killed by spiders each years, collect pictures of spiders eating their prey to show it to others like it's supposed to make them hate spiders too, and try to put all the world's woes on the spiders's back.

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