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So many anime adaptations announced for manga that already ended years ago. Not that I'm complaining.


glad we're getting some tomboy kino


isnt tomochan wa onnanoko one of the many romcom with a dense mc for 400 chapters that ends when he finally confesses lmfao


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this whole picture is going to become true isnt it


Yeah. It's cute for a while but becomes interminable because the author is afraid to move the plot forward, and like most romcoms it has no idea how to show an actual relationship so it just ends. Maybe the anime will try to remedy some of that.
Also tbf, it's a 4koma so 400 chapters is really 400 pages.


>Maybe the anime will try to remedy some of that.
you already know it won't,that's how aho girl happenned too,it was just a pure copy paste of the manga.
on the other hand,the mess that is seitokai yakuindomo (it stopped being funny like what,4 years ago at least ? and has no plot anymore) had some original stories in the anime.


I don't want current SHAFT to finish SZS. That boat sailed long ago…


Kinda funny in retrospect that they didn't think to include P&S season 2.


Considering how shitty the Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer anime ended up being I wouldn't be so "hyped".


Never thought the manga was anything special myself.


>tfw read Tomo-chan in real time on 4chans /a/ board
I remember a beach arc where anons absolutely thought that there was gonna be NTR lmao

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