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Most criticism of weaboos is either thinly-veiled racism (when done by westerners) or self-hatred (when done by diasporoids)
Well-adjusted humans are flattered when foreigners display good faith interest in their culture. People like talking about things they enjoy.


American boomers like it when I talk about pro-wrestling from the territory days, 60s tv shows, or classic rock bands.


No man

Japan isn’t like anime which houldnt surprise anyone along with the reality that most Japanese citizens view anime the same way westerners view cartoons. Something mostly for children


interest =/= obsession/fetish


You're outdated by like a decade my man.



If you're gonna take interest in a country surely you can find something better than the one whose only claim to relevance is bootleg Chinese culture and cartoons for pedophiles
Where's that one Ossetiaboo from /b/ at


>bootleg Chinese culture and cartoons for pedophiles
sounds great actually


The problem is that most of the time super weebs aren't interested in much more than fetishistic and consumeristic parody of Japanese culture. The adulation becomes Orientalist and disrespectful. It's similar to how interracial fetish porn like Blacked is in reality very racist and even how Western leftoids unintentionally disrespect historical communists when they claim that those people were like wokeist radlibs or whatever.


More like cultural imperialism. They want Japan to be a more "woke" Burgerstan.


deranged take


opposite typically.


weaboos are not an ethnicity you ignorant liberal, you're thinking of Otaku.
>display good faith interest in their culture.
Nice bait

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