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 No.17281[View All]

Artists are so mad about "AI art" that they're going to go after boorus now.
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Reposting some guys absolute schizo rant about Bing and Dall-E

>Be me

>Stable Diffusion
>Get made because a seething faggot didn't like a twitter artist
>Dumped more money into an image generating AI than any suspiciously wealthy furry could hope to conjure
>The commission prices are falsified between furries communicating their desire for more money
>They use in-groups and sock accounts to falsify the idea that others are willing to pay X price for Y image
>People have been falling for this for years
>SD comes along to BTFO the artists
>Shitposting commences
>Things slow down because everyone stops caring except for poorfags seething in /acrg/

>But Then One Day Suddenly!!!

>Bing makes an image generator AI
>Despite being neutered and censored Microshits stealthy basedness shines through
>Instantly mogs Stable Diffussion on Day 2
>Gets hands way closer to correct
>Knows what a fucking letter looks like
>Can even generate words frequently
>Bing just needs to realize they can SELL an uncensored version
>I'd buy it, so long as it was under $300 a year

It's just not even funny. I'm floored with disbelief. Imagine getting destroyed as hard as Stable Diffusion has. Fuck, Bing could just make you watch ads while you wait for your gen and make tons of money, only not censoring it if you log into a verified account or some shit.
Stable Diffusion thought it was over for twitter fetish artists.
Bing made it so it was over for Stable Diffusion.

The rebuttal being succinct:
Bing's giving you a taste of what SD will be able to do in 1-2 years. Check out the progress already made on it's next iteration. Stable diffusion is nowhere near 'destroyed' because there's versions of it that fit a completely different purpose, and on top of that Bing is trying their hardest to ruin this with the help of the most cockblocking company around, Openai. There will never be a premium NSFW version of it. It will never be a replacement for open source models because silicon valley corporations and banks fucking hate porn for some reason.


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The "pixar and Disney" AI is getting rework to essentially unlearn the Disney Logo because Disney is shitting itself over copy-right nonsense… from an AI platform that takes 2 minutes to determine as a fake poster… Disney execs really are looking to blame anyone but themselves for the companies failures.


> Prosecutors argued during the case that the definition of sexually exploitative material should include descriptions of sexual behaviors by “virtual humans” and not just the appearance of actual children.
Nah man this is retarded as fuck.


Agreed, but is it supposed to be a bad thing? Wouldn't you agree that it will make Novelai bankrupt in exploiting arts and such? Since they're just profiting at the expense of artists works? Hence, make the open-source AI image generator?


>Disney vs Microsoft copyright battle
Tempted to say "let them fight" but realistically the ultimate outcome will be even stupider copyright laws.


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Stable Diffusion is like a programmable AI art workstation. I think most of the quality is dependent on the model and loras you use. I've gotten good results with it. I notice it does way better the higher res the image is as well. The less pixels the more likely it is to fuck things up. I don't have enough VRAM to do 1024 by 1024.

Bing's is pretty amazing but interesting it still fucks up simple shapes like circles for the irises.


To be fair natural irises aren't necessarily perfect circles or perfectly centered either.


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Yeah but that's way off.


It's also way cartoony lol


Talking about the distortion. Just like the brick work is all distorted, not stylized.


Certainly this is a pretty complex topic and while I still think these artists are just petty bourgeoisie defending their profits instead of actually fighting capitalism I still can understand them. What makes this situation more complicated is that it has a more positive side: it bankrupts businessmen who are parasitizing on artists as well and gives more power to the poor… if the AI tools are FLOSS, that is. Otherwise, FUCK YOU, MUSK, I'M NOT JOINING YOUR CORPORATE DYSTOPIA!


Artists are right to be mad about AI art, stop being a classcuck just to own le humanities libruls


Can you repeat that without the buzzwords?


Here: You're trying too hard to be edgy and it's making you sound like a dumbass rightoid. Also picrel


You don't know what "edgy" even means, or any other buzzword you used, again.


Based take actually, I like stylized drawings more anyway… Welp, time to whip out my wallet again… *sad poor man's noises*


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AI can make anime slop as well.


That's precisely it tho, it's slopped together. There's nothing to gleam from zooming in or trying to think about why finer details are the way they are. It's just the subject matter, rendered. If AI can make slop, then that leaves artists to make more intentful stuff, because why would one waste their time making slop manually from here on?


Shirts can be so hot


>stealing from other proles is BASED actually because the bourgeoisie is stealing from us all anyways! who cares if it immiserates other workers!
you have no conception of class warfare


This won't end until AI is heavily regulated.
Mandate that all AI-generated content is clearly labeled.
For videos and static images, big red text on top of the image stating "THIS CONTAINS AI GENERATED CONTENT."
Text would have a disclaimer at start, that the AI must automatically generate itself.
Movies, games, books, etc must have a disclaimer at the start and end of their works.
Also the owner of the AI may only train on a work if it has the owner's explicit approval as part of a legal contract.
Any website which hosts AI-generated content that does not follow these regulations would be heavily fined, and in repeat cases shut down.


WTF, kawaii Alunya?

Reminds me of Ruby.


We simply need to make it a law that all AI tools must be libre software and everything based on it must be a libre cultural work too. Fuck, just make everything a libre cultural work. OPEN-SOURCE ALL AAA GAMES, ABOLISH COPYRIGHT.


I feel like copyright will be significantly harder to enforce post-search engines. AI killing search engines and creating effective spidertraps for any new web crawlers means it'll be much harder for IP holders to figure out when their shit is being infringed. The panopticon has killed the panopticon.


art is all about human creative expression. that's it. no mention of how cool it looks, no mention of how much you have to move your hand while doing it, no mention of any process whatsoever. creative expression. that's it.


>One of the biggest red flags is the fence she's standing next to. The inconsistency of her costume design is also another big standout.
don't know and don't care if this guy uses AI but it feels insane to see the "proof" of AI being a) rendering like you've traditionally trained in painting and b) not achieving flawless realism on every image


>stop doing things I don't like



I see the same people that were pushing crypto and NFTs are the ones that say AI art is superior to human art and will replace all human artists and that is a good thing.


AI art is not and will not be superior to human art, it is merely an imitation of human aesthetics directed by a human, simply using computer programming to generate these aesthetics, rather than illustrating themselves.

It can certainly be a useful tool, and will in time be able to mass produce images for whatever purpose the people behind the program wish to make. This is very obviously easily abused and will likely play into cyber-warfare.


It's funny when people complain about AI regarding video games. What are the machines replacing? The medium was stillborn before we passed the 'train leaves station' era.


>people shill for crypto
<they only shill for Bitcoin or literal joke coins and don't even use them as currency
>people shill for AI art
<AI art that is highly derivative and generic-looking
The future is now, everyone


><AI art that is highly derivative and generic-looking
your prompts and models just suck


AI will replace STEMfags like you


>under capitalism automation makes the bourgeois need to hire less people
thanks for the revelation you spiteful little channer. and?


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I'd agree with your statement of the bourg plan, but lose the reddit-speak, it's cringeworthy. NTA BTW.


ai art pulls from CP GET FUUUCKEDD



Kill yourself, pedophile. And stay on twitter


This should be taken advantage of by mass uploading images of famous classical artists and mistag it with every tag they have so it will corrupt AI data making them no longer work till they figure it out and try to clean up their data pool.


Why bother AI slowly kill itself because as time goes on more and more AI made pics end up in the database used to train the AI themselves resulting in negative feedback loops rendering them useless.


Wouldnt result of it be exact opposite? Like right now its mostly just smashing together pieces of whatever it has in its database, so cant training on its own creations make it more "creative"?


>let’s destroy all boorus because AI is getting trained on it


this is the kind of retarded idea i could only expect from a twitter artist


not if the ai trained images are shit, or have the problems ai have. In one hand this could create more "creative" ai art. In the othter hand ai might just circle jerk art that has all the problems associted with ai art, which causes the problems to get worse over time. (though this is just a possibility.)


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Wow, so like barely anything? Bullish


Couldn't they use that as a graphics card powered steam engine? Use the computers to boil water which in turn powers the computers. Just supply water and graphics cards.


I doubt they are hot enough to boil the water.


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If it's too much water, continue the experiment of putting the computers underwater


The funny part about this is that this is similar to what some Mangaka and animation studios do to fanartists, it's part of the reason Mogudan stopped doing Rei.


I thought they use supercritical fluids as coolant for the servers.

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