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opinion on Gate? can it be defined as JSDF recruitment propaganda?


forgot to mention, i had a guilty pleasure watching it.


It looks North Korean in style especially the eyes

Did they get a best Korean studio to do the animation to save money


It took a really fun idea and made it as boring as fucking possible. Instead of a show where a modern army goes up against a fantasy army, it's just warcrime after warcrime as the invincible jsdf murders defenseless people and sucks itself off for being so professional and heroic.


it's litterally sucking off the japanese army while saying everyone else is a bad guy,total meme story,the manga is even worse on that side,where it ends up somewhat hilarious in it's hypocrisy,especially when shitting on the USA.


I guess it's kind of like a Japanese version of 1632 then.

Actually on second thought that series didn't even deliver on the power fantasy wank, and the pace was glacially slow to the extent that nothing ever happens, so never mind.


The manga and LN deny Japanese war crimes and the author was in the JSDF lmao


Want the based version where is the USSR spreading the revolution in the magical world.


So the most realistic depiction of imperialism ever made?


there is a GATE fanfic about the red army,can't remember the name tho.


Iirc the manga kind of touches on the great power dynamics of Japan suddenly having exclusive access to a virtually pristine world of untouched resources, and if it actually delved into the ramifications and dimensions of that it might have actually been interesting. But instead we got Gate.


they were all in russian, and most got deleted, can't have shit if you are a communist.
Unless we start making shit of course.


Gate is unironic fascist propaganda.


Wish this thread was talked about more so will bump it and talk. I saw the first season and ragged on it with a few of my friends. To note the anime is the least nationalistic out of all the adaptions. The webcomic and manga are more nationalist. The author himself is a JSDF guy and made it retarded for that reason. The shit gets more retarded the longer it goes on. IT takes steps to try and get the Americans not involved (author says the Americans are too busy in the Middle East not knowing how much manpower U.S has) let alone the U.N itself.
The show is crap in general since even as a nationalistic show its kinda stupid as its the JSDF shooting at age of antiquity not-roman empire. Hard to show you are the big strong guy when your enemies are unarmed. Russia, China, U.S all appear as rivals and send in their specops at some point to capture the murder loli the MC got in isekai world. I forget what America and Russia want but China wants gateworld to fill it with Chinese and take its shit.
MC is a gary-sue who is some Jap ranger which I am told via the anime is a high rank and super cool. He's also a lazy otaku but can be serious and fight in the army anytime he wants. He promises.
The funniest part though is later in the series. The funny thing with nationalists is sometimes you can see their national traumas or insecurities about their nations. For a lot of Japanese for some reason its whaling. As its not too common but I've seen the Japs insert whaling for some reason as a plot point. In Gate the Chinese use anti-whaling activists as a psy-op and try to kidnap the one mage loli in the MC's harem to blackmail the Japanese government.


I actually pop my head into the manga every now and then, it's still going strong but it's gone pretty crazy. The LN ended awhile ago and he started a new gate series.


I loved the idea of a modern army fighting a magical empire but it's such a curb stomp from beginning to end that it's like who cares


Propaganda is such a vague lib term.
The author of GATE actually believes the garbage he wrote because he's an ex-JSDF.


>I loved the idea of a modern army fighting a magical empire but it's such a curb stomp from beginning to end that it's like who cares.
Why don't they just buff the mages though? Like, the bullets don't make that much of a difference to a mage, mages are zoners too and can OHKO you just as well. Make it "soldiers vs mages" and make the swordsmen completely fucken useless. It would be funny if even in this world swordfighting is considered dated af and only mages and archers are useful in any way. Have you ever thought how OP magic can get? Literal magical nukes.


You can also make the mages be dictatorial imperialists who discriminated against all non-magic users so people would actually root for the JSDF but that would probably hit too close to home for Japanese nationalists


It’s actually very insidious how the Gate intentionally builds this story where military intervention and take over of the fantasy world is a good thing. JSDF just goes in and takes everything that they need and it somehow turns out that the locals are happy and better off with that, also kind of tucked up how the japanese mc and some other dudes become popular with the local women of the fantasy world since japan has a history of doing fucked up shit to women of the nations and peoples that they dominated.


I was expecting something like that at first and so it just being the Japanese Warcrimes show got really boring really fast. Like how are you supposed to think these people are heroic when they come in and gun down a bunch of basically defenseless screwheads armed with bows and arrows using apache gunships? Or when they slaughter several entire armies with HE artillery without even coming into visual contact with them. You might have had something if the empire shut the gate and you had a limited contingent of the jsdf trapped there having to make do, but instead it's just curb stomp after curb stomp.


I enjoyed it enough for what it was, but it's definitely JSDF propaganda.


>I enjoyed it enough for what it was
<inb4 "Sword Art Online wasn't so bad actually"


So the gate anime is an isekai cheat fantasy for the JSDF where their cheat ability is "commit war crimes without any repercussions."


It's pretty much Japan vs the world now. It's dumb.

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