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so I read the oldboy manga in one sitting after watching the movie. What a joke of an ending that was. Needless to say, I liked the film's interpretation far better. It would have been interesting to see the Spielberg-directed American adaptation that was supposedly going to faithfully adapt the manga, though.
The person who decided to do that shot-for-shot Hollywood remake of the Korean movie was fucking stupid.


Spike Lee's remake is hilarious. Don't know who decided the main antagonist should be a britbong. Hope the full 3 hour cut is released someday.


Also the twist, I feel I have to explain it so other people hopefully won't waste theirtime tie reading this crap

So the protagonist and villain were in the same elementary school together, the villain was ugly and lonely but genuinely didn't care what other kids said about him, But one day the antagonist had to sing in front of the whole class and other kids laughed at him but he didn't care, however the protagonist cried because he was moved by the song and could understand the loneliness behind it, the villain was then unable to function in society because he couldn't tolerate the idea of someone knowing how empty he felt and inside and it destroyed him as a person

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