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/anime/ - Anime

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>when you read about capitalism's tendency towards overproduction and realize that's why there's a constant barrage of seasonal anime otaku feel pressured to keep up with
really hating this capitalism thing bros can we play another game


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>there's a constant barrage of seasonal anime
My reaction when


except the two cakes are actually cornbread but we pretend they're not because #hype #fomo


Food analogies go on /v/.


Also there's already a thread actually explaining why this happens.


Which thread?


Hey man, look at the possitive side, once there is a crisis that destroys enough capital, and the worker's movement is crushed in war and fascism we will have a couple of good seasons of anime :)


nostalgiafaggotry thread


take things at ur own pace


Haruhi and TTGL and cromartie and lucky star and rozen maiden and dragon ball and cowboy boop beep and and and and and


…are all good but other good anime have come out after those too.


Oh yeah. Ghibli made the airplane movie. Thanks! How could I forget that one!




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>people actually care about seasonal anime
Just pick out shows that don’t seem like complete shit and watch that. Why do weebs create fake problems for themselves?


>fake problems
Go to a forum for discussing anime and report back.


I have yet to discover what an "anime season" and for that I am grateful


All anime is seasonal if you think about it.


>everything is /v/
Back to 4chan, /v/ermin


who are you quoting


learn to read


learn to quote


>doesn't comprehend use of greentext in a chan setting
Go back.


this is an imageboard, not a chan, and greentext is a /v/ newfag thing

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