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Many seiyuu can sing, dance, act onstage, AND voice act. Meantime American dub VAs can barely voice act.


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Do American dub VAs make mad money?


oh boy i sure do love it when people are turned into objects to be sold! Japan is our future, and that’s a bad thing


Sumipe can sing, dance, act onstage, voice act, draw, play videogames autistically, defend Molotov against the revisionist wreckers, drink strong alcohol and she's also cute and sexy. Other seiyuu simply can't compare.


>American dub VAs can barely voice act.
>Many seiyuu can sing, dance, act onstage, AND voice act.
Both blatantly untrue for a number of reasons.
1) The latter applies to big time VAs, most seiyuu are just ordinary people
2) I've seen plenty of excellent dubs, because it depends on the studio and the investment. You pay low prices, you get low-effort performances… unless it's really low, then you get excellent stuff like Ghost Stories dub or DxD's dub which had free-reign. I'm not even talking about some of the HORRENDOUS japanese dubs of western cartoons, barely emoting at all, and made worse with Japanese used in animation often being repetetive.


so theyre just pretty band kids


theatre kids**


I think OP got Japanese VAs and American VAs mixed up lol
A lot of Japanese VAs can just do a cute voice but can't do anything else
While a lot of American Dub VAs are Broadway singers and performers

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