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Zom 100 dropped the marxpill


Do u have source link?
It seems interesting.



but that's not what marx predicted and also he wasn't wrong


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>people are dying all around you
>you're happy you don't have to go to work
does the show stay this based to the end?


did you accidentally put the subject in the name box? lol


Anarcho-communism anime. Half Highschool of the Dead, half Kaiji. Overworked guy decides he's way better off living in a zombie apocalypse, which is true of the oppressed working class in capitalist societies as a whole. This also applies to this anime's staff.


It's not really a marxpill, since that has little to do with what Marx actually said. He also quoted fascis Heidegger. He doesn't know what he is talking about and just put snippets of shit he googled to make this stupid manga smarter.

Then again it is an interesting example of how it is easier for people to imagine the end fo the world than the end of capitalism.

The most stupid shit is probably the rule of the girl to avoid sugars in zombie apocalypse.


she is such a "smart person according to dumb people" character


It's not like Highschool of the Dead at all because it's surprisingly optimistic for zombie apocalypse media.


Happens to the best of us.


At first I was wondering if the zombie apocalypse was supposed to be literal or if the guy just had some kind of psychotic break


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I appreciate that it got me to feel bad for the main antagonist and made it explicit that he was a victim of circumstance and anyone could've ended up like him instead of moralizing over it.


is this stereotypical weeb slop or actually good?


filler question


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got reminded of this


> socialism is when the state owns the economy
> the problem with capitalism is that some people are too rich

Liberal hands wrote this strip.


that is literally not what it says, the only actual problem with this portrayal is its criticism of the soviet union for being "too equal" as the motivation for its collapse. i'm sorry but a manga isn't gonna go into capital volume 3 and explain all the nuance behind the unsustainability of capitalism or the stages of communism


>i'm sorry but a manga isn't gonna go into capital volume 3 and explain all the nuance behind the unsustainability of capitalism or the stages of communism
It doesn't have to repeat one of the top five anticommunist lies while it's at it.


if you think it's the only problem there, you most likely never even read a Manifesto.

It's just "sounds good in theory, but doesn't work in practice, people are too lazy, they won't work without someone forcing them" kinda of argument that capitalist ideologies like to repeat ad nauseum, just in more words.


Into the bin it goes.


Well then leftoids need to stop praising any media just because it pays lip service to vague fucking 'anti-capitalism', not even communism.


Is that what it originally said or what the translator wanted it to say?


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zombies are the real communists


>wow this cartoon has a super duper epic opinion (basic bitch liberal take)
Somebody could dangle keys in front you and you would start babbling the word “based” over and over.


People want to feel validated by the media they consoom.


>zombies are the real communists
Unironically I recall some /pol/fag arguing that zombies in media like World War Z are a representation of Communism… I fucking burst out laughing.


Read the manga, but I personally love it.


Ignoring the pseud tirades like the one OP posted, it's good, yes. Pretty original for zombie media.

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