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Really? All Cops Are Bastards??
Even her?


She seems like she'd quit after a while.


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She's a jap cop tho. I don't think Japs probably say ACAB. Cops are alright. It's just a job and necessity of society.

Funny how libs are simultaneously ACAB and anti-gun. Who is going to take away those guns?


I think we need to start AKAB. Karens are much worse than cops. I've actually had cops apologize to me after getting called on me by Karens.


>She's a jap cop tho. I don't think Japs probably say ACAB.
They do–at least the sentiment is there if not the exact phrase, they have their own–and cops are just as bad over there as [insert your point of reference.]
>Cops are alright. It's just a job and necessity of society.
Crime prevention is a social necessity. Cops aren't crime prevention, they are a pinata of potential social worker programs substituted by a militia with no where near adequite training for any of the tasks they're supposedly meant to solve. In fact they are financially and politically incentivized to ensure future crime: as in, to erode crime prevention.
>Funny how libs are simultaneously ACAB and anti-gun
Libs have never been seriously anti-cop. Cops enforce capitalist interests. They're anti-civilians having guns because that make the jobs of cops and death squads harder when people can defend themselves


I can fix her


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>defending cops because they're jap


soft power is a hell of a drug


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I can only say that if your only experience with cops is with american pigs, comparatively speaking Japanese cops are extremely nice and well-behaved. But if you lived in a normal country, then Japanese cops won't be much different from the ones you already know: racist and abusive. They're also empowered by a system that considers you guilty before a trial.
I remember Vice (yeah, I know) once interviewed a drug dealer in Japan. He said that Japanese cops are basically stupid because they're trained to search black guys with dreadlocks because they certainly have drugs on them. Meanwhile he was always smartly dressed and could basically sell drugs in open sight.


like you said cops in US are exceptionally terrible, but that doesn’t mean cops in other places are angels, they still serve the status quo and their interests do not align with normal people.


>cops, japan
japan isn't some wholesome animeland utopia. the cops there just grab the first guy they think might be the suspect and 99% of the time they end up with a guilty verdict.


Cops are our proletariat class allies! Their unionization efforts MUST be supported. Class solidarity! Cops are proletariat.

Everyone loves to hate on cops, but cops dont make shit! Even the highest paid police laborors that do make money spent decades of their protecting and serving the people. They put their lives on the line for us, for basically nothing! Unwavering support for the police.



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