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 No.373[View All]

How would you go about fixing the Isekai (sub?)genre from its current state of mediocrity and stagnation?
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This got me thinking, is there some sort of new weird isekai? Not an anime, but Teraurge is the only I can thing of kind of like that. You even get to keep ecchi, just with monster girls having emphasis on monster part.


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Checked for based terato-isekai.

On that note the Monster Hunter movie by Anderston would technically count as an Isekai even if there's not monstrous monstergirls. A lot of Monster Hunter fans got assmad about it, but I thought it was a pretty good film for what it was supposed to be. Obviously its not close to the plot of the games, but it works for the story.



The characters of The Amazing Digital Circus seem to be VRG isekai protagonists, with everyone just appearing and having no recollection as to who they are. However while the implication of the "headset" mentioned in the Pilot, as well as the implications of the old Block computer and initial CD-Rom stylization implies some oldschool Tron-tier stuff, the similarity to Five Characters in Search of an Exit (The Twilight Zone Episode 79, 1961) makes me think that perhaps Pomni and the others are essentially character avatars created by users of the game and are sort of corrupted mind copies/reflections of the person playing said game. This is further corroborated by the the whole "we don't need to eat or sleep" aspect which doesn't work for a living human body; The originals have gone home after trying out the new headset, unaware that a copy of themselves is slowly going mad or already has crumbled into a glitched out blob left to fester in the dark. Unless of course, there was a matter-energy conversion and Pomni's real body was transferred into the digital world Digimon or ReBoot style.


>Pomni and the others are essentially character avatars created by users of the game and are sort of corrupted mind copies/reflections of the person playing said game
Oooh, that havent even occur to me. I interpreted it as straight up getting sucked into the computer, but this makes sense. Maybe thats the reason the teeth guy doesnt want them to leave, he knows they are just copies and have no body they could return to.


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Not this existential angst again…


Imagine if they could get out but kept their in-game bodies… some freaky shit tbh. I suspect they'll pull a .hack however, or something similar to that.

It's suffering o'clock again!


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>22 000
LMAO at the monsterfucker posts getting trips twice. Checked and Keked


Eh part of the issue w/ Tanya is that the whole point is that both her and the Empire's self-destructive tendencies manifest in the long term, and the movie left off more or less at their high point. No doubt they took advantage of the content of volume 4 of the LN to pander to rightoids (the Moscow raid, etc), but going forwards it's going to get increasingly more difficult to do that without deviating from the source material. Shit basically goes all downhill for them from that point on in the LNs. Volume 5 opens with Tanya's unit bogged down on the Eastern Front, slowly getting eaten away by constant attacks by geurillas and special forces. In regards to the glorification issue, I don't think that the anime (not including the movie) really takes sides in that regard. Of course you get some scenes that seem to be hyping up Tanya and her unit, but they do the same thing with Anson Sioux, also the Francois forces when they retreat to their colonies and declare their intention to resist the Empire no matter what. Tbh the real test of whether they are trying to stick to the LN's critique of late capitalism and individualism will be how they handle the deterioration of Tanya's and the Empire's situation in season 2. Also of course how the LN's themselves end is yet to be seen (I'm hoping for an ironic ending where Tanya survives the war only to be pushed in front of another train by a disgruntled subordinate lmao).


>two eyebrows
Artificial intelligence is great.


H. R. Giger moment.


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This is what a humanoid Tesla looks like.


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This honestly felt like a parody of an isekai anime, it's so fucking stupid. I'm surprised /a/ hasn't memed on this shit for how hard it escalates in the first episode and how many tropes it tries to hit without any actual depth or purpose. It's like those anime within anime that would run in the background while the actual characters are talking or something


I am guessing you are talking about Tales of Wedding Rings. Havent seen it, but just reading the plot synopsis:
>To become powerful enough to save the world, he must marry four other princesses and gain their rings to get power over earth, fire, wind, and water.
I wonder if there are fans of this show trying to argue that this definitely isnt just a generic coomer fantasy because there is a *plot* reason for having a harem of women slobbing on his knob.


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I don't think this show has any fans who would defend it, because there's legitimately no appeal besides the girls' designs being somewhat decent. Everything from the dialogue to the characters sounds like it was written by an AI trying to approximate what an anime might sound like. The plot is so generic and void of tension it almost feels comedic. The best way I can describe it is the way NHK Satou fantasizes about himself in his delusions and online RP


>They did make a point of it that royal marriages are normally done for politics/alliances rather than love and that's true even in our history. There's a reason a lot of royalty throughout history had mistresses after all.
From r/anime first episode thread. People seem to actually like it (numerous comments about how refreshingly not like other isekai it is). Not much pretentiousness, they are creaming themselves over uncensored nipple and promise of harem.


I can't believe they wanted the studio to cram even a sex scene into that first episode, anime has fallen


Jesus mid-budget shows from the 2000's look like shit today


The MMO part of NHK is one of the uglier arcs, and NHK in general had a pretty limited budget IIRC. I still think the artstyle has its charm though, can you imagine it animated in one of the generic romcom artstyles from the past few years?


That's not really it. It's more of a complaining about cliche relationship portrayal in japanese anime and manga. Where they behave like some sexually repressed 14 yo from showa era. And you end up with some schizo plot where character forms a harem around him, but the most thing that can happen is a kiss somewhere near the end of the 999 volume.

No need to make a straight up hentai, just don't make it so fucking prude and cliche.


this tbh, let the harem protag have actual relations instead of teasing for a thousand episodes.


>this tbh, let the harem protag have actual relations
That would require giving them first actual personalities.


Heh, that's true.


tenchi muyo did it


Did it really? Quirks are not personalities. Tenchi is the original bland virgin protagonist, even.


I think people like Tenchi because he's genuine and written like a person, while most harem protagonists are OP ubermensch 150IQ lolbertarians, impulsive screaming immature weirdos, or stupid doormats. Sure, you could say he's just a kind, honest kid and that's kinda overplayed in anime, but there's a humanity to him that isn't expressed in a lot of the harem protag simulacra where you already know how they're going to react to everything.


>OP ubermensc
Like Tenchi.
> or stupid doormats
Like Tenchi.
>where you already know how they're going to react to everything.
Oh yeah, unlike Tenchi who is completely unpredictable.

Mate, you can like Tenchi all you want, but you can't pretend it's in any way different from other harems, since most of them copy tenchi anyway. At best you can say it has higher production value.



Isekai should be more about the setting, and how people like you and me would fare in it, than being a power trip for some NEET.

You've got some schmuck from modern day Earth flung into a fantasy world, do something with that! Have them be our surrogate in interacting with a strange, alien world that operates in ways that are totally different from what we'd expect.

And for some reason, the protagonist being from another world NEVER impacts the plot. They never try to get home, they don't even miss it, they show no signs of stress or trauma at being put in the most unfamiliar of situations, they never talk about their parents or friends… like, these are all young guys, not hardened veterans or something, they should be barely holding it together at first.

And the people from the fantasy world should actually be, yknow, shocked that some dude actually came from another world. It would be like if an alien just showed up on Earth.


>Isekai should be more about the setting, and how people like you and me would fare in it, than being a power trip for some NEET.
An obvious answer that should have been said long ago.


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I've been following John Brown Isekai for a while now and I'm enjoying it quite a bit


>They never try to get home, they don't even miss it, they show no signs of stress or trauma at being put in the most unfamiliar of situations
It is an escapist fantasy, as an audience self-insert he has nothing he wants to get back to.


many MLP fics go precisely this route


Which one is the John Brown isekai?


The anime adaptation wasn't as good as the manga. Don't bother watching. Just read the manga if you want to know what happens.


>"That time I got reincarnated as the Reverend John Brown and attempted to incite a Christian slave revolt in 19th century America!"


It right here >>16741
CTRL+F is your friend.


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>TF2 Isekai fics
There's actually A LOT of those, there's one where they end up in AOT-verse and just start fucking up the entire plot and its still updating ?


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I don't watch anime. I don't read manga. I don't care for isekai. But an idea popped into my head a while back regarding the genre, and I thought I'd share it.

We open with a modern-day tribesman in Tanzania. He's a hunter who brings meat for his family, in a town that otherwise lives off of subsistence farming. He's not "backwards" in any sense of the word - he's met tourists, his town uses some modern tools for daily living, and so on. But he's never been completely exposed to the industrial world. He hasn't watched TV, or worked an office job. He's maybe heard the word "Japan" exactly once in his entire life. And that's okay - he's happy with the life he and his family are living.

Well, one day in the savanna, he's making his way back home after a failed hunt when he's struck by the jeep of some poachers. He wakes up in a fantasy world, filled with magic and epic quests and anime girls…and he doesn't understand any of it. Not only is there a language barrier that the fantasy world's miraculous inclusion of Japanese or English fails to address, but he's not a pencil pusher who'd kill for an escapist fantasy like this. He's just some guy, and he has zero context for the tropes being thrown at him.

Monster slaying? He'd rather avoid large animals and only kill small prey with persistence hunting. Magic powers? He considers it taboo, or something he'd rather ask his town's religious leaders about. Girls fawning over him? He doesn't understand their advances, having grown up with different customs regarding relationships and marriage. He might recognize a slave market if the setting has one, and take action against it, but otherwise he's completely baffled by the world around him and just wants to go home to his family.

This idea has always made me chuckle because it's a great way to deconstruct the power fantasy elements of isekai. The protagonist isn't a contrarian or antagonistic to the world around him, mind you, he's just really, really confused and would rather go home than indulge in a story that's made for some weeaboo in Tokyo or New York.

The only reason I'd be hesitant to ever see a story like this done is because, realistically speaking, a studio that makes isekai would probably write the protagonist as a racist caricature, when the idea is that he's just an everyman meant to subvert the genre.


That's just a Tanzanian adaptation of Goblin Slayer.


Are there any isekais that shit on the protagonist and mock him for being a loser in the real world?


Konosuba is getting a Season 3 finally, the trailer however makes me feel wary, it doesn't quite have the sarcastic fun vibe Konosuba had before.


Why does this artstyle remind me of ATLA?


I remember Konosuba having a seinen sequel series. Maybe that's why?


Maybe, but even the movie managed to keep their characters consistent.

Maybe because ATLA's artstyle is lifted from anime animation styles of the mid-late 2000s?


Apparently Mushoku Tensei and Reborn as a Slime are getting new seasons too. As a side note Isekai as a definition got added to the Oxford Dictionary, what a time to be alive.


This belongs in the Anime Writing Ideas thread honestly >>4263


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>the isekai protagonist comes back to the real world
>he recounts the tropes he encountered there and experiences culture shock from being in a coma for 17 years
This seems like a funny premise.


It is, one of my favorite jokes is that he was sent to the other world before the tsundere archetype was popularized.


I liked how the first thing he asks is how SEGA is doing in the console wars.

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