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>the author of Welcome to the NHK turned to spiritualism after shitting on religion on his works
>also a decade of not doing anything at all later he's now making a fanservice-filled generic isekai with a hikki MC
God it feels like Berserk all over again.


I find that a lot of people who spends their earlier years excessively and obsessively ranting and raving about religion and its 'evils' seem to be people who are just angry and hurt and in their later years turn to moderate versions of the things they lambasted.


>the author of Welcome to the NHK turned to spiritualism after shitting on religion on his works
Considering NHK ni Youkoso was a loose self-biography this isn't very surprising, it's how they cope and why you find so many religious types on imageboards. Also it's a shame he sold out after being unable to write anything good or at all in so long.


Nothing's wrong with Buddhist spiritualism. It's good for mental health and to cope in neoliberal hellscape.


Idealism is idealism.


Question, I heard the manga of this included some stuff about RC chemicals (legal highs) in japan, is that true? Kinda interested in it. I know in the show he was sniffing glue or something when his mum walked in on him jacking off but apparently the manga goes into more depth. If it's true what the other anon was saying and it was loosely autobiographical, maybe the guy just had some sort of powerful hallucinogenic experience. I dunno, I haven't looked into the guy, if he went full on religious nut then yea that's a bit fucked.


I don't remember the manga being all that different from the anime. They both failed to live up to the hype.


>t. akusala


The novel is the source material, and yes it had Satou abusing drugs. The manga is kinda bad in that it destroys the character development of the main girl in a single page. You'll understand if you read it.


>You'll understand if you read it.
Refresh my memory.


>I know in the show he was sniffing glue or something when his mum walked in on him jacking off
When tf did this happen


nhk's ending was kinda spooky on it's own so i'm not surprised the author has some weird beliefs


That didn't happen in the anime adaptation. That scene was used in the manga adaptation and it wasnt glue he was snorting up drugs through a straw. It probably is in the light novel source.

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