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 No.795[View All]

>Watch youjo senki movie
>Tanja blows up the palace of the soviets
95 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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youjo senki getting coopted by dumbass rightoids is the funniest thing
sure the author might be a liberal who only larps as a communist online but still
the movie being outright anticommunist without the authors input was even more pathetic


I hate her fucking frog face


Same, ergo the pic.


Yeah it does seem like a weirdly pathetic larp.


what the fuck happened to /a/ holy shit

nothing but fashies whining about communism

its also telling that despite having more explicit pictures posted than ever theres also a huge increase in accusations of degeneracy

i miss the old times when liking futa or weird shit in general was accepted and even expected, now its nothing but normals


this baldie is based as fuck despite being a huge larper

>anarchist fascist

is it not? while gate pretends japan never committed war crimes this work literally made the nazis win over the soviets and presented that as a good thing


>the old times when liking futa or weird shit in general was accepted and even expected, now its nothing but normals
Ok n00b, futa and trap content got popular on 4chan in the late 2000s and mid 2010s, it was present in weeb circles before that but not as widely accepted, until crap like Stainless Night came out.
Futa and trap became the norm on /a/ and 4chan in general and continues to be so, they're just hypocrites about it on most boards.


thanks for agreeing with me? im glad im not this insecure


Lmao what do people get out of acting like this?

>they're just hypocrites about it on most boards

It's what happens with the whole "my tastes > your tastes" behavior that the entirety of 4chan has cultivated, or rather, grew like an infection, which you yourself are exhibiting. Now they call everyone else a degen while having a bunch of fetishes themselves. Alternatively, calling them gay.
The irrational hatred against trans people is also peculiar when around 2005-2006 it was a common desire to become an anime girl, or "the little girl".


>im glad im not this insecure
Do I need to add /s to my posts to avoid confusion anymore? Is the blatant tone of it not obvious enough?

>you yourself are exhibiting
Fucking how? I've made no judgement here or there on the good or bad of futa, I just stated the dynamics of the time and confirmed the point of the other anon alongside blatant sarcasm.
>around 2005-2006 it was a common desire to become an anime gir
Because most of the people that sought that had not been trans, but people that crossdressed and kept it cool, they mostly separated fiction and reality, those that did not had been mocked since forever and the behavior of vocal trans minorities on chans presented a poor image of the overall group that fed the notion of delusional people that took fictional LARP too far, annoying everyone else and leading to dislike that /pol/ capitalized on.



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>Because most of the people that sought that had not been trans, but people that crossdressed and kept it cool, they mostly separated fiction and reality, those that did not had been mocked since forever and the behavior of vocal trans minorities on chans presented a poor image of the overall group that fed the notion of delusional people that took fictional LARP too far, annoying everyone else and leading to dislike that /pol/ capitalized on.
nah, there's a lot of transhumanists on 4chan, particularily from places such as /a/, /r9k/ and /jp/. they did actually want to be the little girl, and while they were in the minority, they didn't piss off most people until the transhumanist culture wars and the rightward shift of the website caused by stormfags came along.
not that i'm an oldfag or anything, but my opinion is based on browsing the archives and talking to oldfags and newfags alike. there's still threads on /a/ from time to time where anons cry over not being born anime girls, though a lot of the time they're silenced by /pol/yps or saying they'll never be women. it's pretty sad


Are you guys dumb or what? In the 2000s futa shit and trap shit were considered pretty taboo and some of the most "extreme" fetishes, that's why they made /d/. Nowadays, both futa shit and trap shit are fucking everywhere to the point that /aco/ is at least 70% futa shit.


Talking/joking about dickgirls was pretty normal on the anime boards.


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Ok Thanks for the derail to talk about the "good" old days of /a/ and their trap/futa fetish and related content, may people continue to discuss the anime/manga/LN of Youjo Senki?
Have futa Tanya to appease your discussive tastes


>"good" old days of /a/
The rest of the internet wasn't filled with prudes either back then.


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I think that besides the fascist elements that appeal to 4chan, the fact that lolicons are still a big thing on /a/ is another appeal, I've literally seen them describe how they wanna rail her bratty face… totally forgetting
A) Biological age of a child
B) That its the mind and 'soul' of a 40 year old businessman
But they just imagine it as pic 1 rel.

Also as a side note, Trump's son liked the anime amnd got fanart (and hentai) made in response, pic 2 rel


1) link to the post you are responding to
2) Ok, nobody is denying that


>A) Biological age of a child
>B) That its the mind and 'soul' of a 40 year old businessman
that makes it better


So you get to fuck a middle-aged midget and a fascist at the same time?


>that makes it better


funny reaction face


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>So you get to fuck a middle-aged midget and a fascist at the same time
…I-I guess? Anon… did you make pic rel?


No, but thanks for that picture.


>The character named "Mary Sue" is railing the actual Mary Sue of the story.


i love her and i love katyusha


based Sumipe enjoyer


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Three years later and 4/a/ still likes this lame, over-rated rightoid jailbait.


I mean he kinda has final approval of the films' direction I'm pretty sure. It's not like anime filler where the author doesn't necessarily have control over it, as the movie is officially canon to the timeline narratively.


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>There exists anti-communist anime?
Why do you think the Pravda symbol had the red-stars made 4-pointed and the hammer and sickle symbol changed in Girls Und Panzer? To get around censorship. Japan is very heavily anti-communist in the government, a byproduct of their fascist past, imperial worship and US-Vassal status.


So I've never seen the show apart from a few clips, but the concept of a viciously anti-communist loli anime entrigued me so much that I had to look into it. I didn't watch the or read the LN (though I think ill do the latter aftet this), but I read a bunch of plot summaries, looked into some discussions on forums and such. From what I can tell, the LN is a lot less cartoonishly anti-communist than the show comes off as. Part of that is the technical limitations of the medium (a lot of Tanya's internal monologue and character development are cut for time), part of it is pandering to weebs with le based explosion loli shit. Part of it is just where the movie leaves off (iirc volume 4 of the LN). It seems like without these elements, a lot of the point of the LN is lost. Idk about Carlo Zen being an actual socialist of any sort, but it's immediately obvious from his book about trying to prevent the collapse of not-Yugoslavia that his views on communism are fairly nuanced. At worst it seems like he has somewhat of a normie view of the USSR in WW2 which goes something like this:
>Stalin purges all his generals because he's paranoid and/or bloodthirsty
>Soviet army is poorly led and inept at the start of the war as a result, human waves, overly centralized command, etc
>Soviets learn from their mistakes and gradually fix them, becoming more effective as the war goes on

The parallel to this in the Youjo Senki is that the not-Soviets have gulaged all their mages because they had all been high ranking officers in the Tsarist army, which is why they get BTFO so hard in the film. However the story continues for like 10 or 11 volumes after that, and in keeping with Zen's normie view of Soviet military history they eventually get their shit together by releasing the imprisoned mages and putting them back into service, and also resuming training of new ones.

Another thing that's apparently lost in the anime is how self-destructive Tanya's psychopathy is, which is in turn linked to her Ayn Rand tier worldviews. For example there are numerous examples in the LN where her excessive violence leads to more fanatical resistance and actually makes things harder for the Empire. With the not-Soviets for example, the attack on not-Moscow basically destroys any chance of negotiations which eventually leads to the defeat of the Empire. Finally there's the issue of Tanya herself, and how it's made much more clear in the LN how she's absolutely miserable and is desperately trying to get removed from front line service.

I think that Youjo Senki may suffer from a kind of reverse Starship Troopers situation, where an unironically fascist novel is made into an anti-fascist film. Here it seems like the opposite, where the limitations of the medium and the fact that it ends where it does in the storyline obscures a lot of elements which point to criticism of fascism and market fundamentalist ideology. The result is that it's really easy for fascists to watch it and love it, simply because so many of the critical elements of the LN are missing from the anime.

TLDR: Zen is not a fanatical anti-communist, the not-Soviets are only shown as being so incompetent at the beginning of the war and get their shit together later and eventually win the war, Tanya isn't le based loli Hitler but is completely miserable and her psychopathic worldview is self-destructive and counter-productive to the government she serves.


to be totally fair, he was like 12 at the time


its a fictional character my man


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Waste of trips


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Based effortpost anon.

I get that, it was just funny to note and /a/ went nuts over it.


Ty. Also I'd add that if anybody wants to consume some Jap media with a cute communist anime girl, there's Kutsuzure Sensen. It's about Baba Yaga's granddaughter being recruited into the Red Army in WW2, and using her Slavic pagan magic (also a Schofield revolver) to fight the Germans alongside her NKVD officer best friend. Very wholesome.


Thanks friendo, there's actually a thread about the manga >>6170


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>Trump's son liked the anime amnd got fanart (and hentai) made in response, pic 2 rel
Pic rel was a fucking hilarious freudian slip by a shitposter on FunnyJunk.


Tf is funnyjunk?


It used to be a 4chan x reddit lite site that was fairly popular among school kids because it was accessible unlike 4chan which was blocked by a lot of school DNS's. It lost a lot of users over time as the forum closed itself to anonymous users and is kinda just a relic of a different time on the internet. There was even a version of leftypol on it at one time.

I just saved pic rel a long while back.


Ah, interesting


I think Shadman referenced it once, but I might be wrong


>Why else would you have Beria as the only historical character to be in both the OTL and Tanya's timeline? And furthermore, there was no alt!Zhukov in sight, so not only is the most prominent communist in the series a pedophile who puts getting that sweet duck butt over the lives of his men and the outcome of the war; but there are no positive examples of not!Soviets who could actually give Tanya serious problems.
Tbh I think again that this is an issue of the adaptation rather than the source material. In the LN there are communist characters that are portrayed positively, and the Russy army does get its shit together and actually become formidable, eventually winning the war. Iirc they do have a general that is an analogy for Zhukov, but he doesn't appear until several volumes after the film ends. As for Beria, I think his purpose is more as a plot device to further criticize what Tanya embodies. He only becomes aware of her because she goes out of her way to publicize the attack. So in other words, in addition to destroying any chance of peace and ultimately dooming the Empire, Tanya's hubris makes herself a specific target. The whole thing is ultimately self-destructive. The issue of course is that Zen is making this point through the use of common myths about the USSR, but the point itself is to criticize Tanya's ruthlessness and pride rather than to show how evil communists are. Whether that was the intention in the adaptation is unclear. We'll have to wait for season two which should cover the next few volumes, which do include victories for the communists.

Also worth noting that for all her OP abilities, Tanya is less powerful than Mary Sioux precisely because she doesn't actually believe in God, has no empathy, etc.


Haven't been on /a/ in a long while, are they still simping for this smug-faced mary sue child?


I wouldn't call her a Mary Sue since she's always fucking herself over with her own arrogance and brutality. I'm pretty sure part of the point is that all the power and ability in the world is pretty useless if you wield it in a self destructive (i.e. ruthless and selfish) way.




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> are they still simping for this smug-faced mary sue child
Yes, though far less frequently now that the isekai popularity trend has cooled down. Honestly I think >>801 still haunts them to this day, because some of them keep bringing it up - literally rent-free. Just for a giggle I reposted that screencap in one thread about 2 years back and just watched the butthurt unfold. It was glorious. As a side note, I've noticed a lot of fans of Tanya are also fans of AoT, Coincidence? I think not.


Why did the movie turn out the way it did? I liked the show, but the movie was an absolute shitfest, deterred me from reading the LN at all.


bro….they toned down the stuff from ln for the adaptation if you look at the art from the novels the mc is walking around in a ss uniform.

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