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File: 1608528811708.jpg (91.55 KB, 600x400, real nigga shit.jpg)


How about you little faggots stop watching garbage and go watch a real anime?


spic seiya is actual garbage except for the hades sanctuary arc


But muh clothes!


garbage opinion. you must've had a really sad childhood bro


>didn't watch a specific popular shonenshit show as a kid
Terrible "argument" made by 14 year olds that I used to make back then too


This cartoon still holds up to this day, even if you didnt watch it as a kid, so really it doesnt matter


Okay OP
Go ahead and suggest a real anime


Not really a fan of SS but I have to admit it has an amazing soundtrack.
Omega too


Really? Well, I'll watch it next time it's on if I can.


Damn now this is old


So in terms of power scaling, would Saint Seiya be on DBZ levels of overpowered? I've heard they're really fucking powerful.


File: 1608529006877.png (248.42 KB, 288x512, Hyoga Seiya.png)

Some stuff I thought cool:
In Saint Seiya one of the main characters, Hyoga, is a russian from an unknown siberian village. His mentor Camus, the Gold Knight of Aquarius, is a russian too. This was one of the few cases in which we can see not only a russian as a main character but also pratically void of any negative stereotype. Instead, the russian characters in the series are portrayed as heroics and very powerful. Plus there is a lot of emphasis on the Orthodox Christian culture as Hyoga is a devoted Christian, like his mother, and that has helped him became a better man compared to the old pagan gods who are portrayed in the series as cruel and tyrannical (except Athena)


Pagan Russians FTW


>Magical Men Anime
Is this the power of the 80s/90s?


Si, era muy basado.


>Saint Seiya is getting a Live Action Movie
So anons… how bad is it gonna be?


File: 1632682267903.mp4 (9.09 MB, 1920x1080, 1603327351626.mp4)


Context? Is this a YTP, a meme, what is it?


>80s anime


still better than your trash taste


no u



The Japanese didn't even try to use a Russian name did they? Still, cool to know. Interesting that he didn't use the god armor of, say, Perun.


>each human is granted the assistance of a valkyrie who transforms into a powerful weapon tailored for their user's combat style called "Volund", at the risk of losing her life if the user is killed
Sounds kinda similar TBH


Wow this board is basically a time machine lol.
Canonically, gold saints move at the of light and their punches pack as much power as a supernova. They're OP as shit.


>this board is basically a time machine
>gold saints move at the of light and their punches pack as much power as a supernova
Jesus, Joseph and Mary that's definitely in the top tier of DBZ power scaling.
I asked cause I read some fanfic long time ago that had Goku and Saint Seiya spar for fun and be evenly matched in a multi-crossover tournament.


>Blonde, Blue Eyed Russian
Nazi weebs be seething


Funny thing about Sant Seiya is that before I ever watched it or heard of it as a kid, I had an idea for a story where people would fight with god armors and that was their 'power-up'. I used to play pretend with my friends since we all loved mythology and kept coming up with new armors. Then I found about about this series and I was kinda amazed about how similar the ideas were.


Does anyone even remember Saint Seiya? I haven't heard it mentioned by almost anyone in literally years.


Apparently there's a 3D movie coming out for it.

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