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/dead/ - Post-Left

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According to experts, the Gregorian calendar was introduced to better reflect the time it takes Earth to orbit the Sun. But it is believed by many that as many as 11 days were lost from the year that was once determined by the Julian calendar.

Over time these lost days add up and now a conspiracy theory has cropped up which claims that we should actually be in the year 2012, not 2020.

In a since deleted tweet, scientist Paolo Tagaloguin reportedly said: “Following the Julian Calendar, we are technically in 2012. The number of days lost in a year due to the shift into Gregorian Calendar is 11 days. For 268 years using the Gregorian Calendar (1752-2020) times 11 days = 2,948 days. 2,948 days / 365 days (per year) = 8 years”.

Following this theory, June 21, 2020 would actually be December 21, 2012.

It may be recalled that in 2012, December 21 was proposed by some as the end of the world by conspiracy theorists.
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welcome to year zero day zero


The whole 2012 apocalypse theory is based on the fact that the 12th Baktun was ending in 2012 and any modifications of the theory is silly.

We should go back to listening to crazy Abrahamists again.


And… literally nothing happened


>corona virus

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tell me about your everyday life


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Usually I get up at 12:00 pm, smoke weed and eat breakfest. Then I check my phone seeing who wants to buy something off me for the day. I take care of that shit, usually read when I'm back home, eat something, smoke more weed, and read more or play vidya. Thats about it.


>wake up
>speak to nobody but family a few times a day
>literally just wait to eat since it's the only thing I enjoy anymore, but even that i must restrict since i don't wanna be fat
>constantly worrying about everything
>learn some welsh, only constructive thing I can motivate myself to do since I can't find a job literally anywhere
>go to bed




The cult of living – which is by paradox a cult of living death, must be destroyed.https://downandoutdistro.noblogs.org/files/2019/10/letmedie.pdf


Local mirror of the zine.


now that is some edgy shit


Painfully edgy and hyperbolic, but still saddening and thought provoking.

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soul-crushing depression reminds me that I'm alive, but it doesn't make me happy to be alive. Why is life so fucking depressing?


>>442>soul-crushing depression reminds me that I'm aliveWouldn't that be something only a dead person would experience?


>>443how could a dead person be depressed


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Only my hope of death is keeping me alive.




>>448How could a living one be?

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> it's for the good of the economy> you can't do that, it would hurt the economy> you should study what the economy needs> you don't want to live in poverty? too bad the economy is in a downturn> sorry we have to fire you because of the economy> don't worry, the economy will save us once it is nationalised/socialised/democratized/cybernetic/liberated/sexualisedWhy do people put up with this shit?
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>>432funny how such a spook could be a euphemism for very real class-interest


>class interest is real
haha no


The biggest spook of them all is you, my property. You are the spook of all spooks, the pale boaster, an empty phrase, a creative nothing.


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How can I be a spook if nobody believes in me?


Because you believe in you, even if you think you don't, by virtue of believing in a you.

Also, some ghosts are forgotten and become so completely neglected that they seem to no longer exist. But they're still there, haunting the same hallows and hollows, only they have become invisible to those found their wake.

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Bottom text


You didn't even check the catalog.>>407


OP is brain /dead/

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What's the best board on bunkerchan and why is it /dead/?


It simply is.


Because we have no party-line, even a broad one.

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They want to shut this place down. I don't post here as often as I should maybe but that doesn't mean I don't want this place to exist.Who here wants to see this place stay?
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Moshi moshi Jesus desu


We did it!




Looks like the posadists also have a secret conspiracy board


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Hello all, I am proposing a vote that might affect the future of this board, please let your thoughts me known in this topic https://bunkerchan.xyz/gulag/res/2299.htmland not in replies to this post. Thank you, have a nice day.

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is anyone here actually post-left?
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Last time I checked, it was called /dead/


Because the left is /dead/


no its for liberals but I like anarcho-nihilism


Tbh all these labels like post-left seem in practice like a bunch of hipster and anarchist larping. But I increasingly despise the "left" in the broadest sense of the term (anything from liberalism to anarchism to communism) while appreciating the extremist part of the left. In that sense "post-left" is not a bad term.
What I despise about the left is the utopia of integrating everybody into a single perfect, all-inclusive, good system. The left and the right have the same goal of a perfect system, a "final solution". It's just that their means are different: whereas the left's strategy is integration, the right's strategy is extermination. But both want to get rid of any antagonism, violence, conflict, chance, fate, etc. They both want to get rid of the accursed share. Integration is just a more cunning way of exterminating this accursed share, which is why I despise the left more whereas the right are useful idiots because the effects of their politics are more often ironic and counter-productive.


"We want a world where every world fits"
-t. zapatistas
Maybe your local leftists suck, but not to be a dick, I think you have a lot of residual idealism and liberalism as well. The left in theory should be fighting for self-emancipation and self-determination, with common ownership of property, and the asymptotic abolition of work.

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