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/dead/ - Post-Left

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File: 1608528353040.png (64.62 KB, 229x157, me as an old guy.png)


Is misantrophy left-wing or right-wing?


File: 1608528353108.jpg (24.37 KB, 300x471, 9782246629511-us-300.jpg)




It can be both.


misantrophy is my momma


misanthropy sounds spooked af ngl fam

File: 1608528352793.jpg (142.3 KB, 901x1200, tommy-robinson-mossad.jpg)


Trump likes the idea of a big state but under the control of big business this is non-to-far from kimean korea so what do you reckon will come of these meetings??


Why does this board CSS look like my depressive episodes?It's a bit triggering.


OP here, I don't have depression, don't let the feds know. I don't want to have my guns taken from me.


>>303Hello my machine learning project predicted that you are likely to attempt suicide, we have dispatched a mental health squad to involuntarily hospitalize you. Thank you for your cooperation and please understand that this is for your own good.

File: 1608528351668.jpg (30.64 KB, 352x450, trashman.jpg)


The cancer has been resected and lives at 0ch. Delete this human waste.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


It looks down, bro.


Is it down for good? What's up?


&gt&gt294it's 0ch.io now


Did 0ch die again?


Where did you guys go now?

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asked this on /leftypol/ and naturally i got no discussionare there any non-moralist arguments against pedophilia?
26 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Where I live, people over the age of 18 are considered adults.


And what makes 18 the magic number? Do they immediately gain superior reasoning skills once they turn 18?


I assume it's a combination of tradition (the Catholic Church says 18) and statistics (the vast majority have acquired their superior reasoning skills by that time). You have to understand that your average Joe does not care about your super special circumstances, they think in generalities.


no, there aren't
values and empathy are good tho


The fact that pedos are harming children would obviously mean that ppl who desire their children to stay unharmed would take actions against pedophiles, thusly making it the pedos interest to not engage in sexual abuse of children cause that would mean they'd get their heads kicked in.
there, egoist anti-pedo argument


It seems that /leftypol/ has finally found it's way to the board it deserves.If only you weren't too late to witness /dead/.

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This board is comfy. It warms my aching bones.Why is a board like /dead/ the only thing that made me feel today?


🚨ALERT🚨This board is contaminated by n1x. Do not use this board.DELETE THIS BOARD SPACE_🚨ALERT🚨

File: 1608528349598.jpg (18.49 KB, 300x211, makhno.jpg)


make /dead/ great again


oops, i accidentally posted the same thing twice


&gt&gt256why didn't you delete it then?i thought not knowing how to delete posts was just a 4chan thing

File: 1608528349464.jpg (18.49 KB, 300x211, makhno.jpg)


make /dead/ great again


&gt&gt255We need horses comradehttps://youtu.be/uiv3VT13AcQ




horses are so cool



File: 1608528348687.jpg (27.11 KB, 200x257, Landauer_by_Seiwerts.jpg)


Is /dead/… dead?


tbh idk why Space_ hasn't removed it yet


&gt&gt249Because history.


>diagnosing one part of a corpseBunkerchan is kill. I blame revisionism.

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