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/dead/ - Post-Left

Password (For file deletion.)

Join our Matrix Chat <=> IRC: #leftypol on Rizon


I'm getting tired of these /pol/yps raiding our board, atleast here they won't find us.
How are you guys doing?


Dead making itself useful. Who would've thought.


Aaaaaaah, finally, silence. The incessant whining over one badly drawn meme had finally stopped, The voices are silent. No more gore or spam. The spirit of Lenin blesses /dead/ for its remoteness.


honestly the fact that /leftypol/ even participates in this shitflinging just shows how shitty of a place it has become. the board is turning more and more into an ostensibly leftist version of /pol/.


At the end of the day this is just an imageboard, and imageboards encourage this kind of behaviour. Tbh if it weren't for a couple of posters and threads I wouldn't even browse the site. The constant defense of China's blatant revisionism by people who can't even define what socialisn is is also pretty tiring.


/dead/: the best defense is a corpse

Ironically this image board brands itself as an anti-revisionist ML image board. Even though MLs do make a considerable number here, revisionism still leaks through the roof of our bunkers.


> raiding our board
They are not raiding /dead/ though?


/dead/ wasn't raided not because it's dead but because it's hidden, even if I never knew why it's a hidden board.


i personally don't have an issue with it, call me naive but even if one fascist is converted that's a win for me.


File: 1608528409100.jpg (46.17 KB, 456x219, 1462331776686.jpg)

gtfo you disgusting leftist this isnt your board!


Can anyone list me the hidden boards because apparently there are 8 others besides /dead/


oh yeah? well youre a gay and wear rainbow


Finally a place for us to wallow in our suicidal thoughts.

How are you going to go about it, comrades?


File: 1608528409505.png (655.74 KB, 569x629, 1601908567811.png)

yal are niggers, you can't hide kill yourselves


>>>/left/ exists


What's the difference with /leftypol/? It looks like the same but with a less serious tone.


nobody posts there, thats the difference


>>>/testing/ >>>/e/ >>>/dprk/ >>>/int/ >>>/left/


it's even more dead than /dead/


It's actually leftist instead of right-wingers cosplaying as revolutionaries.


File: 1608528412659.gif (133.55 KB, 340x340, smug anime girl 35.gif)

>he thinks something being 'actually' leftist is an agrument for and not against it


I don't mind talking to social anarchists


>we need fascism
Sorry, not interested in a father-complex



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