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What "is" (anarchist) nihilism?
Sort of related, but I've been reading desert and I understand some of the themes, but I'm lost at a couple of ideas. I'll have to reread through my notes later, but I want to ask if someone could explain what makes civilization inherently harmful.


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Where communists say that the social revolution is inevitable, nihilist anarchists say that such predictions are useless and that it doesnt matter if social revolutions takes place.
Where social anarchists see a possible world without hierarchies which can be realised, nihilist narachists generally dont think so and even if it was they wouldnt care.
Nihilist anarchism is not a political project. It's an individual one. Nihilist anarchists dont rebel with a goal in mind. They rebel for they sake of themselves.


Would you say that there is any overlap between "classical" anarchism (social anarchism, anarchist communism, etc.) and anarchist nihilism? For example, if I were to rebel with a community of likeminded individuals with the goal of establishing something for us? Or is that goal antithetical to the anarchist nihilist mindset?


I should also mention tthat I'm looking for some beginner anarchist nihilist literature. Thanks!


the overlap is CCF, ITS (eh), and maybe appelistas
i.e. heavy moralists larping as "i dont care bout nothin" while setting things on fire


What does this mean?


Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire Nuclei (based egoist anarchists)
Individualists Tending Toward Savagery (cringy eco-fascists)


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this doesnt get posted enough
and i know its post left in general, but there is a nihilist anarchy section


Sweet, I'll habe to check it out. Thanks! Do you think there are any on this list that are essential or can I read whatever seems interesting?


the latter


Gotcha. Thank you so much for the help!




The real question is, where to go post-stirner?
I love his style and haven't found anything like it. Imitators like Novatore fall flat on their face


Novatore is based, though?

Anyways just take a peep at >>2279

I'm currently reading Desert (kind of spooked about ethics tho) and have read some essays by Bob Black and Jason McQuinn.



Also, get into Taoism, starting with the Tao Te Ching—there are a lot of parallels with Stirner.


Thanks man, but it would be more helpful if you were to provide the documents or share some links. Also join the Matrix using Element.


duckduckgo my guy
and I don't know what matrix you're talking about; never have seen a link


It depends on the translation
Some Tao Te Ching translations can be very authoritarian


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are there any of these books you guys would recommend as first readings other than the obvious phantasms book


You should read this for a starter, I will be starting a thread on Dora Marsden rather soon after I'm done compiling all of her journals before she went schizo.



zhuangzi > laozi
the Dao De Jing is almost mohist
read the inner chapters, they're way more interesting philosophically and very very close to stirner in some translations at least. (i love the A. C. Graham one)
DDJ is like, "how to live life"
the Inner Chapters is like "wtf even is life bro, am I a dreaming butterfly?"


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Interesting that you would say this, I thought you were no fan of anti-civ?


Why do you keep claiming desert is a nihilist text? What is your end game here?
Here, take this.
Probably one of most relevant from last decade.


The Ego and Its Own and the CCF are not nihilist either, so why do you care? It's a good book so just go read it.


What makes you think ccf wasnt nihilist?
It's a mediocre book, it's just weird you people are obsessed with shilling it as a important text in the black anarchy traditions.


Anarchists who realized that anarchism doesn't work but are too retarded to pursue other ideologies


They have a nihilist faction, anon. If they were all nihilists they wouldn't need one.


Imagine giving a shit about labels


I'm not the one who started sperging out because Desert doesn't fit your little nihilist canon.


>They have a nihilist faction, anon. If they were all nihilists they wouldn't need one.
Very strange line of argument, I'm not sure I buy it. Have this though. Related.
<CCF, Spyros Mandylas and Cell of Chaotic Strike>>


Could some of you nihilist friends drop by >>>/siberia/ every once in a while to BTFO the cancerous growth of spooked bullshit, social chauvinism, lib idiocy and the like? I'm seeing more and more /pol/ and radlib talkingpoints on there and it would be nice to share the massacre of them with some of you people.
That is all
In best regards, an alleged ultra-leftist

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