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/dead/ - Post-Left

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I don't get the hype over Desert. I think it's an important read for people drunk on copium that think that "revolution" or succdem shit will save us, but a lot of the book seems like common sense presented in a pompous and medoicrely written way. Plus, it's all just a bunch of speculation—speculation that I mostly agree with, but speculation nonetheless. Also, the author keeps metioning the "ethics" of anarchism—pretty lame, Milhouse.

What does /dead/ think of Desert? Overhyped or hyped correctly?


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Finished reading it recently, got more or less the same impression as you did and moved onto anti-work and critical self-theory literature.
My main gripe is with Desert is that the book is ridden with "noble savage" undertones when talking about alternative models in non-western places, which rubs me the wrong way as a thirdie.


Never even heard of this book until I saw this thread


I liked it, just because it offers a slightly hopeful vision I think… compared to "the oceans are going to start emitting toxic gas and we all die" or "clathrate gun and we all die". What I mostly got out of it was, deserts have life too, and we'll find a way. The struggle doesnt stop.

I remember the over-moralism and it hurt… but what can you do. It seemed kinda fake also like they were trying to appeal to moralists. I guess they thought they had to do that. Maybe it was a good choice, and we're just not the prime demographic? Anyways it's maybe correctly hyped? Like the point of "Read [X]" is that it gets everyone to interact with some ideas, and gets people on the same page. I think for that, it's worth it. It had some post-climate-nihilism that I think was cool.
Like that yes, shit's fucked. No, we probably can't really fix it, unless everything collapses tomorrow, but even then maybe not. But also life goes on, and this isn't some do or die situation. Shit's always been bad, its been worse for different people at different times. We find a way. or we don't. But at least we experience it the same way - as individual death and failure. Same as always


It was pretty clearly written for "social anarchists", it is explicitly stated throughout the book.


i was already familiar with most of the points, but one thing that i never really thought about too much is the commodification of environmentalism and the sense of urgency which is constantly being fuelled by both left and right, when it's clearly already way too late.

>muh noble savage
this is the biggest and most persistent ad-hom i know. i remember pierre clastres writing already in the 70s how every anthropologist who dares to say anything positive about "primitive" peoples inevitably gets hit with this non-critique and has to preemptively defend themselves from that accusation. if anything, in my memory, desert was remarkably reserved about idealising "primitive" life compared to people like zerzan for example.


Noble savage tropes do exist as a problem but 99% of the time someone uses it as an argument these days it's somebody who believes in the savage savage going REEE about anything positive or respectable being noted in non-western cultures.


i guess i forgot that
weird though since it's only posties who spread the meme
seems kind of gratuitous then lol


I had no idea it was hyped that much, I don't see it mentioned that often, but apparently it is by far the most popular book on the library: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/stats/popular/1


Burger retard Invis Committee have been shiling ut offensively heavily since almost its release.


Honestly page 2 has all the better reads.


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>dude living a sheltered life in amerikkka is totally like getting interned and killed by the nazis


I sort of agree, it would have been better as a book about Holocaust resistance without forcing the ITS and "jouissance" shit into it.

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