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/dead/ - Post-Left

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File: 1635426959706.webm (2.93 MB, 648x576, 1623525586757.webm)




hey, at least they seem happy…


File: 1635436384085.png (7.93 KB, 600x800, 576352432234556.png)

My life is like a video game, trying hard to beat the stage
All while I am still collecting KÖYNS


File: 1635457366431.png (280.92 KB, 535x466, 1614288398985.png)

jesus christo


>no sound
I wonder if the boy on the right is imitating the guy on the left


Why is the text backwards on their shirts?


they are from russia


File: 1635888209609.webm (3.08 MB, 648x576, restored.webm)

I tried to restore the original audio but the tempo is a bit off


>le dollar tree death grips cover band has entered the arena


File: 1635888639596.png (115.73 KB, 499x331, delete-yourself.png)

First actually depressing post on this board.


>Doesn't even know who ATR is.


>death grips cover band
More like the other way around buddy.

>Atari Teenage Riot - Speed (1996)


Not anymore :(


Does /dead/ have any thoughts on the phenomenon/theory of hyperreality, regarding the late USSR and it's potential reapplication to modern 'post-truth' society/.?


What the late USSR has anything to do with modern "post-truth" society?

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