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/dead/ - Post-Left

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So I've read Stirner. I've read a lot of works from the anarchistlibrary. I a a full-blown post-leftist.

Now what?

I don't know what to do. Continuing to wageslave feels very wrong, but what the fuck is the alternative? Pull a Kazynzski and innawoods? Be like Novatore? Kill myself? What the fuck was the point in reading Stirner if I can do nothing with egoism except feel ever so much more depressed at the conformist life I'm leading?


Uhhh Stirner isn't about being a nonconformist. Hes just the inverted Hegel. It pleases his property to be a servant of communism.


make total destroy?

Why did you read all that shit, didn't you have a goal in mind?


do what you want

> Continuing to wageslave feels very wrong, but what the fuck is the alternative?



>do what you want
(cause a pirate is free)

you're totally right. Do any of those things. If you feel shit in you life, change it. Then you'll feel shit in other ways but not the same…. it'll be a lot better. Really the world is fucked, and we were never given a fair chance. If you break your chains so to speak, likely you'll be much worse off materially, but if you never do, you'll always be a mental slave to society and the liberal cult of the flesh. Its up to you.

(real answer from experience: if i were you, and if you are in a position to, keep working, work as little as possible, see if you can get food stamps or any welfare or low income housing, etc., and use your free time to learn/practice doing lucrative crime, then leave your job when you can make it on your own without that. There's all kinds of things to study, from various forms of fraud, to outright theft, to scams and bullshit (which seem not worth the effort for payout), and many more! Be very creative. The web is your friend. Etc. etc.)


>So I've read Stirner. I've read a lot of works from the anarchistlibrary. I a a full-blown post-leftist.
Anarchy isn't a football team and you are not a post-leftist anon.
Stop treating politics and philosophy like this.


Based. Springboarding off that, theory isn't a religion either for that matter. You can't just study Stirner like some sort of scripture and hope the Divine Grace of Our Heavenly Property bestows upon you the secret to living a meaningful life, which is clearly what OP was expecting from doing said reading.
>"What the fuck was the point in reading Stirner if I can do nothing…" etc
Case in point. The initial approach was scuffed from the get-go. Sorry, OP, no book is gonna magically change your life circumstances and make you happy.


but if it was, my team would totally beat yours


Yes, if he wants that he should read the collected works of the great Stalin


>but if it was, my team would totally beat yours
Nah actually we would win because as anarchs we reject your 'rules'. BTFO.


but… i'm an anarchist too…


>but… i'm an anarchist too…
Hmf! Probably the wrong kind!

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