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Why do tankies shill for the government that destroyed the USSR?
Do they not see the contradiction?


uum sorry, but destroying the ussr was actually really based
where is you problem?


tbf the Russian Federation is just a reskinned RSFSR. a lot of Soviet ministers kept their government posts until they retired, too


They love everything whose interests do not align with that of the USA.


"tankies" literally doesn't mean anything


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You can say this about every attempt at socialist that has been tried, dumbass.


I guess this proves that socialism is shite


Tankies in current year don't shill for anything because what they are shilling for no longer exists. There is no contradiction, they want the USSR to remain dead in order to continue being tankies.
Thankfully there aren't as many actually existing tankies one would expect beyond Russian boomers since the tankie meme is overused by the terminally online.


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>pea brain
<gorbi destroyed the ussr
>tiny brain
<stalin destroyed the ussr
>big brain
<cornman destroyed the ussr
>galaxy brain
<putin destroyed the ussr


I dont really feel it makes sense to say that Russia (as a state entity) destroyed the USSR since the Russian Federation only got constituted when the soviet republics had already fallen.
The real state that destroyed the USSR was the USSR. I find it unbelievably funny when tankies argue against racist/fascist analysis that states degenerate through the influence of outsiders (immigrants, minorities) and then turn around and say that the USSR failed due to outsiders (revisionists, western agents) degenerating the state. In reality, just like the demise of western countries, the USSR's destroyers were a result of the USSR's inner contradictions. The revisionists became a thing through the stalinist policies of the 30s and 40s. Stalin sold the rope that was used to hang the Soviet Union himself.


what demise of western countries?


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are you serious?


The USSR was revisionist when it was destroyed, which means destroying it was correct. Critical support for bourgeois gangster looters in their struggle against revisionists.


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>uum sorry, but destroying the ussr was actually really based
<Thinking this unironically
I guess i expected too much from ego-retards.


boo hoo some russians lost their job and became alcoholics or whatever
why should I care?


>boho some people suffered so what
sociopath subhuman.


>implying you actually give a shit


>barely any real change for the "bottom 50%" or "middle 40%" throughout 1905-2015
doesn't even take into account uneven development, the semi-feudal classes, or changing borders or anything like that


you really wanna talking about contradictions?


technically Russian Federation is the truest form of communism since the socialist state has disolved.


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>mfw this sounds insane but is true

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