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Please provide me one illegalism starter pack tyvm.


steal shoes in clothes shops and clothes in shoe shops


ski mask and track suit (you know we're the angry youth)
bolt cutters (for going click clack)
and don't forget the most essential ingredient, brother and sisterhood


We never stop This music makes your eyes pop
It helps you dodge a cop, whether you believe or not


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does anybody have resources on lock picking?


there are a ton of hobbyists on youtube who give detailed deconstructions of locks and how to pick them, lockpickinglawyer showed up on my recommended the other day


It's not hard. Buy a transparent lock and a pick/tension wrench set for 15 USD off amazon or alibaba etc so you can learn how pins work. Some you can do with just a bit of aluminum can around a lock handle or rake the pins chaotically until they all pop into place. Some locks are harder than others to pick. Another option is if you get literally 1 photo of the key used for the lock, you can take that and trace it then import it into a CAD design software and place that over a key template. Then you just upload that to a cnc router and you can cut out a nearly exact copy of the original.


download tor
engage in black market activities

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