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/dead/ - Post-Left

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Anarcho-Monarchy Edition
Shhhh. Secret Grace-chan Thread.


What is the purpose of this thread?
By coronation oath of the /dead/, I swear to merely uphold an association here and not rule monarchically as in a State.

Neither will there be politics like /siberia/'s royal colony.

This Royal Tomb will be a personal place to Gracepost.
& apolitical, though there might be old spooky treatises.
Such as extracts from K. James VI & I's Demonology.
Or Bodin's De la Demonomanie des Sorciers.

But I don't want /dead/ to think this is a monarchist invasion.

This thread will merely be funposting w/ some spookiness.
Basically, /siberia/ royal colony, w/o much politics


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What inspired me to post here.
Was the /leftypol/ iceberg thread.


Unfortunately people don't post here anymore, maybe they found a new chan or just offed themselves, who knows. Sadly they don't seem to be posting on laguna.cafe either.


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Another rule:
I will only post here if someone replies to this post



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>people don't post here anymore
Was this supposed to be a secretive board?
I have known of this place
From the search function.
Tho I didn't dawdled here long.
Until now.

Also, yes, for every post, you'll have to reply to that specific post above, btw


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ids hiddn


It's not that secret, it shows up on the overboard. It's a Bunkerchan original.


dont invoke the curse of the postie gods!


Hey /dead/ how's it going


So what's cool and new in the avant-garde of anarchist thought?


abysmal, like always

everybody is talking about post-civ i guess


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I remember finding this post related.

>using this royal tomb as a forum to discuss anarchist thought

Pretty /dead/.
I have obliged the coomer anons w/ requests


All societies tremble when the scornful aristocracy of tramps, inaccessibles, unique ones, rulers over the ideal and conquerors of the nothing resolutely advances. So, come on, icononclasts, forward!


embrace anarcho-monarchist thought


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Gonna go commit crimes, not because I'm illegalist or anything, I just want to see what it feels like to be wanted.


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Spooky basement.


Why do monarchists like Stirner?


What monarchists like stirner?
I could only see them arguing like: If I am to act according to my desire and appropriate the world to my liking, being a monarch gives me the best tool to do that.
However since monarchism is a social system there would also need to be a reason for the ruled to accept the moarchs rule (its gods will, the natural order) which egoism obviously doesn't offer.
Also I would argue that monarchs can't just realise their personal desires through rule because monarchy also imposes constrains on them.


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wherever thou art I must


Time to post.


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omg Grace-chan smiled at me!


Say something.


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Woof, woof.
You may suggest Grace pic ideas, if you want.
Shall I get more Alunya Grace OC?
I am a loss on what to say, anon.
If you wish to correspond more, I will.


The time has come to post again.


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Hi anon.

Unique IPs: 10

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