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/dead/ - Post-Left

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What is its purpose?
Is this purgatory


We've pretty much forgot its purpose at this point. it is like a crypt or something.


It's for post-left anarchism (the Stirner fans, not the reddit weirdos)


It's a cool kids club that was abandoned years ago, and we're aimlessly wandering the ruins.


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to post dank egoist memes


imagine taking pills to conform to some spooky biological concept of womanhood


This is something that I think is a very interesting question.
Obviously genders are spooks, they are concepts that essentialize certain traits as fixed coordinats to base your behavior on. The same is true for biological concepts, because even empiric systems are constructed and their claim for truth is no less spooky than the other.
What isn't a mere concept though is your lived experience. In a situation where the majority of people around you act upon concepts that might be nothing more than phantasms in their heads, they still have a social reality that will affect you. So the decision to change your gender identity isn't an affirmation of the spooky conecpt of gender as much as it is an of apropriation of gender. Instead of confirming with a concept assigned to you at birth you choose a concept that will give you your desired living experience.
And isnt actualising your desires an egoist act?


except many transhumanists believe in and even fetishize traditional gender roles


>Instead of confirming with a concept assigned to you at birth you choose a concept that will give you your desired living experience.
<Instead of performing the patriarchal role assgned to you at birth you attempt to perform the patriarchal role assigned to the other sex.


Well I just think I'd look pretty on estrogen. I wanna do cosplay and such. That's got nothing to do with society other than what I've been socialized to see as pretty. Similar reason I started excersizing. Never cared about what other people thought I looked like, so I didn't excersize much until I understood the personal utility of being fit after playing Minecraft.
I want to build a log cabin while wearing a dress I look good in.


>That's got nothing to do with society other than what I've been socialized to see as pretty.
>nothing to do whith society
>I've been socialized
You've been socialized by society, even your family is just a part of it.


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Are you saying families live outside of society?


I am saying that fanily and society are spooks.


Well yeah that's why I said "other than"


The cure for séx


i can't believe it's been 2 years… waiting for it all to end soon


2 years since what?


imagine not taking them so you don't trigger some dipshit on the internet

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