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 No.4490[View All]

How to not get demoralized and tired as an Anarchist when you constantly have to deal with Marxists? I have this horrible feeling whenever I look at Neo-Nazi imageboards and online spaces and see actual useful (for them of course) and constructive discussion based on what should be done to actually further their movement. Compared to, for example, leftypol where Anarchists are constantly weighed down by Marxists seemingly obsessive desire to pull down the Socialist movement at every opportunity, to alienate it from the general public and argue about useless semantics and "dialectics" instead of anything that actually matters IRL. A movement isnt attractive if you have to constantly argue the validity of your given sect of the "movement" at all times from your supposed comrades.

"A house divided cannot do shit" or whatever Lincoln said, it is just better for us to just separate, for both parties. I would create an Anarchist-only imageboard if it werent for me being retarded when it comes to technology.
213 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


You are confusing sets of issues here. To proclaim (rightfully) that technological advance is lagging because of capitalism is mundane, albeit true. Yet it remains the fact, that it lags behind our capacities. This was already addressed by me above, regarding the dialectics of variable and constant capital qua global capitalism…


Fundamentally what separates you from a liberal?
Your rhetoric?


>Its not "it took until 2021 to make a watermelon grabber" its "capitalism took 50 years longer to make a watermelon grabber when a competent system could do it in 2"
Dude, like why do you even speak, lmao?

It's been better explained here, ffs, you booklet:


>can kill us all but they won't be able to operate the machines within the exisiting system except if they become part of the proletariat
But thats the point. We can just make this threat and they can not do anything about it.


Ok, we get, I'm a parasite on the third-world, and you are the only holy productive beings in the world economy, now do a revolution instead of proudly telling me you are cucked to the core for a change.
I can't wait for the fall of the first-world because it's fucking miserable here when you aren't part of the bourgeoisie despite what you believe, my body is ready for a change, now do your goddamn job and stop cucking yourself to imperialists. If needed I will protest in your favor because I want the industry to come back to my country and be automated instead of being outsourced to little obedient slaves like you paid for jackshit. You won't change anything by blaming foreign minimum wage workers, now start agitating like they did in West Africa recently.


what we do? like fighting liberals? hello any more mutt in that brain of yours?


What you do?
Posting online is real serious business?
I'll ask again, outside of rhetoric, considering you each trumpet about freedoms you do not actually believe are achievable, what's the difference?
Assume I am not remotely sympathetic towards you and you can't just preach to the choir


>capitalisms' shittiness happens because its also monstrous


i do believe freedom is achievable just not at will, there's a need for certain material conditions


>Can't wait for you to say this in front of the cops of your country, go tell Marxism-Leninism reigns supreme and see how they react you fucking cuck,
The basic theory of marxism-leninism is NOT getting caught by the police, you coward anarchist. Your natural anarkidish fear of police drips from your post. That's what separates us. You're the cuck.
>now go back to work
You're either bourgeois, or a lumpen piece of shit. Typical for any anarchist.


>state capital without welfare and massive unemployment is worse than state capital with welfare and full employmen
Niether of which was Actually Existing Socialism, you rat-brained, CIA-brained, Rick-and-Morty brained little shit.

You literally suck at the "facts" level, hence that pic you are replying to like an impotent little gibbon.
AES was what it was, whit its own internal and systemic problems, but you, as a ridiculous little twat of a representative of a meme ideology will never be able to top.

My people lived 4000x better off under Actually Existing Socialism than under current capitalism or your idiotic fantasy land anarcho-shit.

Reality was good for us.

Your proposal already fails on a theoretical level.

Why do you hate actually existing people with actual experiences?!


That's exactly what liberals believe as well, "incrementalism" is their motto


Sure sure, you are a tough guy, whatever, produce more surplus-value for porky, that's all you are good at, little slave.


We make gut revoluton when tim komes

Befor that fuk u


liberals dont necessarily believe in freedom at all, and if they do well it's surely not worker's freedom


Yes, welfare is better than not having welfare


Do you have an argument that doesn't rely on bourgeois sentimentality? You understand I feel nothing towards you, no sympathy, no empathy, nothing.


I am not a slave. I am a revolutionary.


You're neither, you're a poster


fellas is paper revolutionary?


I am a revolutionary. I create revolutionary conditions


>this machine is stupid and causes back pain and breaks your fingers
>nun uh, you're just looking at the front, and not the back end where it has a baby mulched feeding the engine
What the fuck even is the "argument" here?


>Fellas is a paper revolutionary?
There's an entire Leninist tendency that specifically thinks papers are, in fact, revolutionary



They can be extremely important, the liberal splitters at the end of the USSR ended up being very important.. in ending the project.

Look anon, if you're smugly satisfied with the USSR ending because it didn't match your "principals", when at the end it was giving people like you what they want, for their feels to be greater than the reals, to not be dedicated to the collective but rather let the individual have his liberty at the expense of others (liberalising) and the result of that is your fellow liberals. the bourgeoisie taking back control and they create a situation of terrible poverty, suicides, drug addiction, prostitution (including children), murder, etc and you aim to talk to me about principals, because of a fucking soup kitchen, then I'm sorry but you're exactly the kind that cannot be trusted in times of revolution.


File: 1705513662346.jpg (54.03 KB, 748x470, it would be funny fr.jpg)

that's some know off level of "plants are proletarian shit" i need to know more
if you can send link


Many, many, many more paragraphs have been written by coping imperial country inhabitant supposed "communists" on why they are actually oppressed, yet only the third world kept revolting in any meaningful way for the last 60 yrs.

Yes, anon, as a Brit, you are truly oppressed.


okay yeah splitters who still want socialsim that's the point
discourse but revolutionary discourse always!


You are just projecting your infantile anarchism onto me. You know nothing about me.


actually meant to reply to the other guy about paper and leninism lol sorry


>bourgeois sentimentality?

Picrel has no sentimentality, let alone a boirgeois one, since they didn't exist. AES was great for the second/third world. Imperialism is great for the labour aristocrat.


Ah it's hard to know when it's sincere, because you get people from the 80s who were in the CPSU who now boast that ending communism was always their goal despite officially being a member of the communist party.


>yet only the third world kept revolting in any meaningful way for the last 60 yrs.
We are still waiting for you to stop cooperating with imperialists by stopping to sell your labour power to them, so you can finally crash the capitalist system with no survivors instead of basking yourself in slave morality.
I'm not even a Brit btw.


I feel nothing about the USSR collapsing other than that for all the bloodshed MLs justify it ultimately really was for nothing

Otherwise I feel nothing, you wasted your time typing all that. I dislike MLs themselves more than I do a state that collapsed before I was born, and that's mostly because MLs are insufferable.


Picrel is inherently premised on sentimentality
First off it demands an emotional attachment to a non-existent government
Secondly it demands support for a movement that failed

It centers on, as usual, the preexisting emotional attachments MLs have to states that died before they were born and Slavic nostalgia


Edgy, after all the typing you've done that's hardly believable, but I can see why you'd want to wash your hands of your own opinions now.




Thank you mods for moving this thread to this irrelevant board, now let this thread die you fucking faggots.


Why would I have any attachment to a movement that has nothing to do with me? I don't get anything out of veneration dead people and dead governments, do you? I'd rather live in the present, but I get that's hard for someone whose entire movement was in the past to understand.
And everything I say is necessarily abbreviated because I'm at work and can only respond when I can get away with sending a message.


Now thats a lie. We learned a lot. It was valuable even if it came apart.


>I care so little I followed the thread to /dead/ and replied
>Why would I have any attachment to a movement that has nothing to do with me?
As an indivdualist who kneels to no one, what attachment could you have to any movement?
>People like me being a splitter made millions miserable? Oh I don't care, that's nothing to do with me and I don't see anything to learn from it.
It better be some pretty good soup to make up for being this shit as a leftist anon.


why do jannies love to clean up shit that isnt even dirty for free?
i say we triple their pay maybe they become more productive


>i say we triple their pay maybe they become more productive
$0 × 3 = $0
don't be so mean, they are doing it for free, imagine having to benevolently put up with retards like us everyday
if anything, it's ironically a good argument in favor of anarchism and mutual aid, it can work lmao


>markus spams 'beria with 14f
>jannies move it to /dead/
>markus spams /dead/ with 14f


technically most active post in /dead/ history?



>Does daddy Stalin kill the landlords who ask me and my roommates to pay more than a thousand bucks to have a roof over my head, in a crumbling appartment where the water balloon is barely functioning anymore?
He actually did do that for a lot of people and it was pretty cool


Alright, now, can I sleep in an Albanian bunker because I'm homeless since yesterday and all this shit is abandonned?
Yes, if I enjoy getting bitten by snakes.
It's all small ass shit that is barely enough to fit two soldiers together anyway, I would rather pay a rent in exchange of my labour power.
And Stalin still is dead and won't kill the fucking landlords, so I virtually spit on his grave. U mad???





You guys know that your posts are visible outside /dead/ now, right?


lol is this image supposed to present anarchists as not also retarded

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