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See title
Leftypol sucks. Leftypol is a Leninist trap that wants to subvert Anarchists to ML and its variants.


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sectarianism cringe no one (should) care if your an ML and anarchist fuck I look like getting invested in 20th century political splits that have jack fucking shit to do with me


Lainchan and Arisuchan used to be a hive for anarchists but jp is dead and more and more pol faggots are on lain every fucking day. Theres a small handful of very vocal whiny stormfags there now that shit up threads with their lies.

MLs are retarded. If you live in the 21st century and your an unironic ML you need a shrink. OP's problem is that anarchists are often just as bad. Bible thumping Malatesta or Bakunin or some other 19th century chinlet with bad ideas. If you create an anarchist only chan it will just be leftypol without the the Stalin fappers.

I miss the vague uneducated pseudo anarchist. The guy who doesn't know theory or care about some 200 year old bullshit but is all about sticking it to the man and resisting the system. You can't breathe these days without a zealot breathing down your neck about some bullshit "OHHH ANON U CANT DO THAT ITS AGAINST WHAT THIS DEAD GUY SAID 136 YEARS AGO"


Alunya has an ancom bandana for a reason.


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>Lainchan and Arisuchan
I wish I had known about those earlier
Still thank you anon




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>sectarianism cringe
<board ran by MLs
<anyone who questions Leninist views is a liberal anarKKKiddie westoid fascist nazi and all anarchists are secretly fascists

Fuck off.


Like the name suggests….
This is just a graveyard for rejected Anarchist posts from leftypol. No one seriously posts on here alone.


>I miss the vague uneducated pseudo anarchist. The guy who doesn't know theory or care about some 200 year old bullshit but is all about sticking it to the man and resisting the system.
jesus tacoma wept


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Hell there is nothing to question. They are mass-murderers and are proud of it. They are power-tripping bastards and are proud of it. They want to kill me because my views stand opposite of theirs. You give the worm some power and it becomes a snake. The fucking anarchists who collaborate with them and prop them up will end up being eaten first.

People will always be fucked because they are bound to have opposition to their views as long as humanity exists the way it is.
Its just disguisting to see them exist to subvert others and spread the way cancer does. They love to deceive themselves that its not cancer and give false promises of a better future - just right now they will have to bare with being fucked in the ass by those in power.


yes the redpill is realising that stalinism and fascism is the two sides of the same coin albeit the former more rational than the latter


You can't convince me this >>4792 isn't some crypto fascist


>anons, take the bazed…..1946 lib redpill


When you've spent enough time on leftypol you'll delude yourself to think anarchists are the ultimate fascists guaranteed.
It will get to a phase where you'll begin to form connections saying stupid shit like how Stirner created fascism.


as if anarchists and vulgar marxists dont fundamentally fall for the same ideological traps


They do and thats the point.
Anarchists shouldin't even be friends with other anarchists because they fall for the same shit.
The premise is simple - to not rule or be ruled.
So many anarchists actively give up that premise to become collaborators that its not even worth affiliating with them.


>When you've spent enough time on leftypol you'll delude yourself to think anarchists are the ultimate fascists guaranteed
Just you, actually


Syndicalists :^)


Not my view


I don't think you will find a serious active anarchist imageboard anywhere, a graveyard is the best you can have.


this, actual organising irl verifies very quickly who is cut out to actually doing something and who isn't. When you have some specific situation at hand (for example, housing occupation), it doesn't matter whenever you work with MLs, leftcums, posties, maoists or someone else.


True. Tendency doesn't matter anywhere near as much as what people actually do


Pls make >>4792 longer I want to see more of it


Irl on the two occasions I've been to antifascist demonstrations composed of anarchists and general self proclaimed anti auth I have never seen any MLs.
I have seen people with Palestinian and Afghanistani flags -obviously opposing current geopolitical issues (Israel and the Taliban).


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Read the sand book homie


As per usual, it depends on the "occassion" and place. I am yuropean, so I see more old school (pre '90s) MLs with ties to unions in actual disputes and more anti-auth in general demonstrations.


Unions never meant anything in my country. Syndicates and such were sort of like bourgouise institutions of mass bureaucracy - all being state regulated and approved as a booster to liberal politics.
Insofar there is only one anarchist syndicate org and they don't really have that much influence. Its a cycle of workers protesting, politicians promising change to calm them down and after elections the cycle repeats.


Are you an ukrainian or a pole by any chance? Because it sounds vaguely like either of those countries, though if I had to guess I'd lean towards a pole, cus they are only one with singular not-really-mattering syndicalist union org (great folks btw) I know.


There is a lot of anarchist left wing websites and newspapers but i don't know about anarcho imageboards. Tbh the vast majority of marxists don't bother me. I consider them as commrades that we can fight side by side in the fight against fascism. Consensus can be achieved for most things, and at least we can agree to respect each other. If people are being too unpolite or annoying just "don't get the bait" or something like that. Also the internet is a trap, i prefeer to syndicalize and work on cooperatives and anarchist groups/manifestations in real life, since i don't bother with "theory" and reading anyways


not an ML dont care abt your petty ass online LARPfest between you and the MLs Grasp Poaceae


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I been saying this, desperately need ultra-sectarian Anarchist imageboard!


There are plenty of subreddits where you can talk about your support for New Israel in Syria, spread the newest cia narratives, get instructions on how to join Neo-Nazi battalions of a banderist military, as well as engange in racist sinophobic rants completely freely. Those subreddits never get banned.


If self identified anarchists actually read their theory they wouldn't fall for leninism or other variants of state capitalism.


They would read it if they had any.


Don't bother, tried them out a few months ago and they're shit compared to leftypol


not a big fan of leninism but i wish retards would stop pretending its the same thing as ml or even similar



Leninism is Marxism-Leninism lol? Marxism alone isn't Leninism.
Unless you're a Trot. Since they often try to seperate the words Leninist and ML.


Leninism isn't ML nor "marxism".


Anyway this board isn't beating the "idealistic arbitrary doctrine about fixing my subjective pet peeves which I can only describe in obscene abstractions" allegations.


Leninism is short for Marxism-Leninism. Lenin's interpretations of Marxism are called Leninism.




>Leninism is short for Marxism-Leninism
It's not, Marxism-Leninism is Stalin "interpretations" of Marxism AND Leninism.


He created the term to dub Lenin's methodics and popularize their use.


He created the term to give himself cover for his anticommunist bullshit


Arisuchan has been dead for like five years now…


Somebody tried to revive it around Christmas time but it ended up going down after a couple weeks.


What? Seph promised that I would get an email if it is ever resurrected… How did I miss this?


It wasn't Seph that brought it back. It was some anon on lainchan who probably had no connection to Seph, Kalyx etc. No idea why it went down either. It just went offline.

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