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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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File: 1638032743891-0.png (45.19 KB, 1339x129, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1638032743891-1.jpg (177.13 KB, 629x797, Pushkin_doodle.jpg)


>tfw your school notebooks full of doodles will never be considered works of art in their own right


>tfw people won't remember your sketches over a hundred years from now
Why do I need to be a famous writer for this to happen to me? It's just not fair.




>tfw kept months of my art in a folder that got deleted



Response 1)
>>That was made by Friedrich Engels

>>Engels was an artist. I mean he created the face of an iconic historical figures

Known as max Stirner

All pictures of Max Stirner were made by Friedrich Engels


Can you get it back with Recuva?


File: 1639547027853.png (28.95 KB, 661x250, Oekaki.png)




File: 1641367694237.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 43.35 KB, 277x390, 129119490627509482_846d88….jpeg)

Homosexuality porn made by Friedrich Engels


Source? Also who are these supposed to depict?


File: 1645060777182.png (24.93 KB, 298x307, 2022-02-16 neech.png)

moar philosophy doodles


File: 1662718695391.png (1013.8 KB, 973x1272, ClipboardImage.png)




Engels would be proud.


>tiddies are bigger


that's literally amazing, did you draw it?


Does anyone know who this topless woman is? Was it someone Engels admired? Or just a random nobody?


Mary Burns

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