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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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What are some of the most ethical careers a leftist can take part in with regards to not exploiting anyone under them and not doing damage to the environment? Which blue collar and white collar jobs are leftist approved (preferably careers that don't require a degree)?




There's none, but self employment without hiring anyone would probably be the least exploitative for yourself and others.




is working a trade the way to go?




Full-time Hunter-gatherer


all jobs


>What are some of the most ethical careers a leftist can take part in with regards to not exploiting anyone under them
literally any job that isn't in management or finance or certain fields of law.
>and not doing damage to the environment?
no dice there pal. build a cabin in the woods and garden.


police officer,
money launderer,
drug trafficker,
spineless politician,
inter-porky paid thug,
anticommunist paramilitary,

Any position of power is better filled by a communist.
To be ethical under class society is to win in order to destroy it.


>literally any job that isn't in management or finance or certain fields of law.
These jobs will be filled either way, by a leftist or an anticommunist, or some guy that only cares about his own immediate gain.


So long as your jobs isnt to kill socialists, almost all jobs, even marketing, is fine.
Your skills are usefull for the cause one way or another.


Burger lib thread.

Be a volunteer at your local church and obviously don't use a car. Any fruit you buy is sourced internationally by slave owners, so don't. Vegetables are made with horrendous practices due to GMOs MSG and gluten-full franken-fertilizers. To eat vegetables is unethical.

In general, please die for the sake of leftism 🙏




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The only ethical job for a leftist is to be a proletariat. And when I say proletariat, I mean REAL proletariat. No farmer kulaks allowed.


Everyone who has to sell their labour power to survive is proletariat


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Whipping proles isn't actually labor.




kek, back to reddìt.


Okay, then how do you guys even make money to pay for necessities?


i ask your mom very nicely


>reduction to binary as a coping mechanism


Unironically this
>b-but librul 'ill be a good billionaire' syndrome!
Those people all have limited individual power, not none. There are real, even recent examples where commercial American newspapers have had a socialist EIC and began telling teen girls about workers rights. That won't cause a revolution overnight but it will unironically save life and make comrades in this environment. The propaganda model filters are influences, not rigid rules.
Besides, all that goes to shit once class war begins. Power is power and if you have it, then we win a little.

Add any teacher into that list. You would be surprised which topics can fit pro-social ideas in, not just economics and social studies!! Even technical fields.


Pointless lifestyleism. Just do whatever gets you further ahead while not making you miserable. Doesn't matter if you are a PMC, a boss or an overseer of sorts or hell, even if you go work in Raytheon Acres. Why? Because someone else would be doing that work anyway, and you are not doing shit by the brave act of not-doing-it. Because you, in a capitalist society, as a socialist, have three options - run away to a hippy commune, lifestyle and quite possibly be misserable, or just show a middle finger to the liberal puritanism of "unethical jobs" and do whatever to keep afloat.


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I spend my days fxing these


What are thr best jobs if you don't have a degree?


anything that makes money
there is no ethical production under capitalism


selling drugs


thank you for your service


Ethical is weird when you consider different approaches to the spook that is 'good'.

Is it more ethical to exploit no other workers, or to become the people who exploit them and therefore have the power to enable change for them?
I make a lot of money protecting a capitalist financial company from capitalist financial crime. I have a singular income in the top 5-10% of the country. I would prefer a socialist to have that income than a capitalist or griller. Money is a major part of power under capitalism, I can and do use it to financially support communist parties and unions.
So is it more ethical to exploit no-one, or to seize the power over them and attempt to use it to relieve their exploitation? That's a subjective question.

I provide their mom a service


Based. My goal is to become as rich as possible for personal gain, but it is undeniable that monied people have more influence on society after a certain threshold.

My org does wonders with paltry money. With a monthly donation of 1k USD, man, I can only dream. If I were properly monied, an easy 100k donation would propell us forward ridiculously.


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hmm today I will become a police officer to fix the system by being a good cop


if you go into management, it's a mafia. you will one day have to bend the knee and kiss the pope's ring, and if you don't you can say goodbye to your career. it could be that one day you'll have to fire a comrade, or defend a manager who was abusing a disabled man. or a pedo who was grooming the 16 yr old checkout girls.

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