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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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I'm looking for conspiracy theory/conspiracy fact books. Both confirmed/plausible stuff and schizo stuff. Preferably with a left wing narrative. Help?



>confirmed/plausible stuff

(forgive lack of title caps, am lazy)

read washington bullets by vijay prashad
read darker nations by vijay prashad
read confessions of an economic hitman by john perkins
read enough is enough by davidson l budhoo
read surveillance valley by yasha levine
read real agenda of the gates foundation by jacob levich
read jakarta method by vincent bevins



continued (reading)

read IBM and the holocaust by Edwin Black
read Hitler's American Model by James Whitman
read Family of Secrets by Russ Baker
read King Leopold's Ghost by Adam Hoschild
read Late Victorian Holocausts by Mike Davis
read Wilmington's Lie by David Zucchino
read The Terror Factory by Trevor Aaronson
read Blackshirts and Reds by Michael Parenti
read Biggest Prison on Earth by Ilan Pappe
read The Assassination Complex by Jeremy Scahill

continued (non reading)

listen to blowback season 1 and 2
listen to the anti fascist archives of "niptuck" and dave emory from the 80s and 90s
listen to radio war nerd's episode on the national endowment for democracy
watch "ukraine on fire"


surveillance valley will redpill you on the limitations of edward snowden's libertarian ideology and analysis btw. he refuses to see the puppet strings between silicon valley and the US military industrial complex. he only sees the government as the problem and naively views the private sector as separate and unrelated.


i have no recommendations for "schizo" stuff unfortunately OP. I mainly stick to confirmed/plausible stuff. let me know what you think of the recs.


silicon valley has been the US government's bitch since the 90s


try the 60s. read surveillance valley


The tech industry has been part of the MIC since the cold war and silicon valley specifically was built thanks to DOD-CIA grants and contracts.


There are multiple TrueAnon reading lists. Check those out, they've got lots of parapolitics / deep politics type stuff.

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