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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Basically talking about Marx's predictions and which ones came true or not, in detail. I read a book on Marx's thoughts on ecological degradation under capitalism, and it was very interesting and prophetic.


no. read marx


marx didn't "predict" things, he described and criticized political economy. That said there are 21st century guides on reading his books, like David Harvey's "companion to capital."


He did make predictions, you cumrag. What about the prediction that the amount of workers would increase and their conditions would continue to worsen until revolution was inevitable?


>like David Harvey's "companion to capital."
Bad advice. Harvey rejects the LTV


he doesn't. if you listen to his lectures he explains how marx himself rejects ricardo's labor theory of value and marx introduces "socially necessary labor time" which is a more nuanced version of ricardo's theory, and handles all the bourgeois objections to LTV. so no. harvey believes marx came up with a better LTV. he does not reject Marx's LTV, he rejects ricardo's LTV


marx is not a seer. his predictions are general. he doesn't provide a date which is why OP's question is irrelevant. he mentions general trends but never suggestions anything would happen "by the 21st century"

what marx was primarily set out to do was criticize bourgeois political economy and build a framework for scientific (i.e. non utopian) socialism.


shit thread
don’t reply


>implying Marx didn't have supernatural powers


>uuhhhh shid thred dont reply
<in the process of saying this, he replies

what did he mean by this?


File: 1657599774512.png (69.92 KB, 529x318, ClipboardImage.png)


bro he's not nostradamus


it's a shit thread
what do you want me to say


Jairus Banaji's Theory as History

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