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Am I correct in thinking that the amount of ethnic and lingual diversity in Africa implies that these many African ethnic groups barely mix? It seems to me that this must be the product if seclusion or separation. The level of diversity that Africa has just seems unusual to me. What has caused Africa to maintain such level of diversity while other regions of the planet aren‘t that fractured in ethnic and lingual variety?


Africa is the second-largest landmass on the face of the planet after Eurasia, you do realize that right


They didn't develop the material conditions in which all the things like cultural assimilation, racism, etc. (things that killed of this type of diversity elswhere) would have been useful on a large scale. Go to precolumbian america and see the same stuff. Or really any place before early empires. Plus your map has diversity correlating heavily with areas that have thick forests so I'd say the lack of easy transportation is also a factor.


Complete nonsense


Eurasia is less ethnically and lingually diverse and so are continents with less landmass than Africa. Africa stands out.

That‘s probably it. That reminds me of how the advent of nation states in Europe also curbed ethnic diversity and therefore created more ethnic homogeneity. Africa also didn‘t have that many empires which would have also lead to more homogeneity.


lower density of population for it's size,making each village its own thing,and it's cultural division was encouraged by the colonization progress early on while starting to convert the population to an homogenized culture around the 1900's,before WW1 happened and the end of colonialism,so they didn't experience the assimilation nation states of Europe and asia did over centuries except in some places like south africa.
most of them were protectorates of the french and british,and not proper men on the grounds colonies,as opposed to portuguese and spanish colonies which happenned much earlier and had the time and numbers to "assimilate" the native population.


Complete nonsense deez nuts


Linguistic and cultural heterogeneity comes from the fact that historically there weren't large centralised states/empires.
Genetic heterogeneity is due to the lack of population bottlenecks. All non-Africans trace their ancestry to a few people that lived 80K to 60K years ago that travelled outside of Africa. Meanwhile African groups can be so genetically divergent that the only common link is Y-DNA Adam and mtDNA Eve who lived around 300K years ago (though this is an extreme case and most are slightly more divergent than Eurasians).


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It's just basic evolutionary theory, you scientifically illiterate fucks. Over time you get genetic drift, causing a gradual increase in diversity of a population group. The less time you have for genetic drift, and the less diverse the baseline is, the less diverse a population will be. Anatomically modern humans in Africa go back about 200,000 years. Only a minority of the African population ever left (relatively low diversity in seed populations elsewhere), and the migrations that took place happened relatively recently. You should be able to reason this out from first principles. It's extremely basic shit.



>They didn't develop the material conditions in which all the things like cultural assimilation, racism, etc. (things that killed of this type of diversity elswhere) would have been useful on a large scale. Go to precolumbian america and see the same stuff
Precolumbian Americas is the literal exact opposite, the least diverse population on Earth. It's such an extreme example that there was literally a theory that the entire two continents were populated by the descendants of ~70 (not a typo) people who crossed the land bridge.


Yeah, and it was also the most recently inhabited place on Earth with the natives crossing the Bering around only 20K years ago.
Also interesting is that the southern tip (the last place to be ever settled) was predictably home to a very small amount of ethnic groups.


OP asked about both ethnic and linguistic diversity, I think the post you replied to only considered the latter.


>second-largest landmass on the face of the planet after Eurasia
largest landmass on the face of the planet after Eurasia*
>Eurasia is less ethnically and lingually diverse
Lmao the Indian subcontinent and China are already a universe onto their own, let alone the rest

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