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Is there any difference to how a (well-studied) Marxist, a democratic socialist and an anarcho-communist will each define "socialism"? Is there any contradiction in their definitions?

How would each of them feel about the typical Wikipedia summary?
>Socialism is a political philosophy and movement encompassing a range of economic and social systems, which are characterised by social ownership of the means of production,as opposed to private ownership.


Communists define socialism as when the poor people rise up and declass the rich.

Democratic socialists define socialism as raising taxes and giving the slaves a little more air condition.

Anarchocommunists define socialism as some magical fairyland.


>the fairy land that both the Spaniards and Diggers both accomplished before overthrown by other powers


The wikipedia definition is actually not too bad for an all-encompassing definition. This would include things like utopian socialism after all. Marxists would specify it's the mode of production (as would anarcho-communists) and that it's something that will emerge in a revolutionary rupture out of capitalism. Democratic socialists (distinct from social democrats) would say that socialism can be implemented through a series of gradual reforms until society is no longer recognizable as capitalist. Anarcho-communists would say you can and should abolish capitalism here and now and do it from the bottom up by directly seizing the means of production and from there reclaiming society for the working masses. So at a fundamental level there are pretty distinct approaches to the concept that are hard to reconcile.

Ma'am, this is /edu/.


>Communists define socialism as when the poor people rise up and declass the rich
What the fuck is wrong with you


Thanks comrade.

Can I get some feedback on this paragraph, in reference to the Wikipedia definition:
>This definition is very broad. This is because various types of socialist theory have different views on the specifics. For one example, a Marxist will understand socialism as a stage of societal and economic development following the capitalist mode of production and preceding communist society, not as an envisioned ideal utopia, but instead as whatever systems emerge from real attempts to surpass an existing capitalist society. Conversely, a utopian socialist will describe socialism as an imagined system which has achieved ideals such as a worker-controlled economy or various types of social equality. The utopian sees socialism as a specific system which a society can voluntarily establish, whereas a Marxist irreconcilably sees it as the material result emerging from the revolutionary rupture of an existing capitalist society. Another example of a fundamental contradiction is how an anarchist socialist will see socialism as a system that must be achieved from the bottom upwards through revolution, while a democratic socialist (not to be confused with social democrats) believes it can be achieved from the top downwards through government reform.

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