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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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How does capitalism, and its most retrograde right wing layers, even keep the idea about race in the public discourse to begin with? I don't think "race" is even really an apolitical and scientific concept to begin with, but if we take science as mediated through the superstructure, then something like race may be naturalised and justified through "genetics" and ancestry/genealogy databases.


>How does capitalism, and its most retrograde right wing layers, even keep the idea about race in the public discourse to begin with?
Because it's already available historically in part, and because it makes use of characteristics/stereotypes (physical and psychological) that can and will be confirmed to an extent once they're in the head. For example, if someone hears Hispanic people are lazy, just one case (perhaps from this person being the only Hispanic person they know) can appear to "confirm" this heuristically. Some of these features have a better basis in "facts" than others, and each individual will have different racial ideas, but what's important is that one believes; it's the form, not the content, which is why even "positive" racial beliefs (or "negative" beliefs toward one's own racial categorization) can be pernicious.

It's also situationally useful for both sides of the labor equation: workers can make use of ethnic or racial groupings for easy connections (due to the assumption of a commonalities in background) and like an extended social network, although the extent to which this is true depends on how close the particular ethnic or racial sense of community is. This closeness can be spectacular in nature, a fabrication more of mass media than any real community or common experiences, but what's important is that it's "actionable," that this "bond" can be rationally assumed in practice. This practical aspect of race is one significant aspect of its viability, and it's very much at the expense of class.

Capitalists (and managers) also benefit from divide-and-rule strategies, especially within the workplace, pitting individuals and groups against one another, stymieing collective action and self-organization or else creating impediments to actions and divisions within existing worker organizational structures.


I find the "race is not scientific" argument to be a poor rebuttal rooted in semantics. Modern science recognizes genetic trends between the "races" even if there aren't neatly divided categories behind them. Historic population dynamics still carry a non-negligible genetic inertia to this day even in places like the US where we see the significant intermixing. A more sound rebuttal I think is that evidence shows that poverty and especially education can explain autism score differences far better than any race-based theory could.

But to answer your question - this is the inevitable outcome of bourgeois morality when confronted by the material realities of capitalism. It emerges whenever capitalism creates circumstances in which one group performs economically better than another and the enlightened PMC or ruling class liberals start asking themselves "why is this happening?". Historically the usual answer was "they are just inferior", but more "enlightened humanists" will usually look for a less overtly racist explanation which often comes in the form of switching cause and effect (eg "muh black family" or "muh corruption").

Once a suitable narrative is constructed, said liberals will use their control over the media to disseminate their ideas to the wider working class.


Freudian slip, meant to say autism score.


Mod bruhs…


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>um actually race is a factor in intelligence
>falls for the eye queue wordfilter


Young poljak


Looks like he's saying the opposite to me:
<A more sound rebuttal I think is that evidence shows that poverty and especially education can explain autism score differences far better than any race-based theory could.
While I have seen people on the right argue that race and I.Q. are associated and this disparity also explains the differences in overall wealth, that doesn't seem to be the point he was making.


Because ideas of racial inferiority provide an ideological justification for the hatred of the 'undeserving poor' which unilaterally occurs within capitalist societies.


Modern science is mediated by the superstructure. None of it is "real" except in this political order.


capitalism is incompatible with tribal social organisation, thus modern "race" is meaningless linguistic concept.


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race is a socially constructed and flexible spook; germans used to be considered nonwhite by anglos


>I find the "race is not scientific" argument to be a poor rebuttal rooted in semantics. Modern science recognizes genetic trends between the "races" even if there aren't neatly divided categories behind them.
You do realize races can not exist while the species can still have prevalences of some genes in subsections, right? There ultimately aren't human races, because of the low overall genetic variance, high genetic overlap, and there being less difference between these alleged races than among them.

>Historic population dynamics still carry a non-negligible genetic inertia to this day even in places like the US where we see the significant intermixing.

No, lol. The US is still relatively segregated because the history of racism in the United States bore an impact on the socioeconomic divide across racial lines that largely still exists. Therefore there are many regions of the US where either only or almost only black people, or white people, or Native Americans, or latines live. The US isn't that much of a melting pot as people think from the media. Just look at city maps and how these "races" are largely segregated.

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