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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Hmm… Sounds familiar….

Michael Parenti argues that the NATO intervention in Yugoslavia was not motivated by humanitarian concerns, but rather was driven by economic interests and a desire to establish military control over the region. He critiques Western media coverage of the conflict and argues that the West was complicit in the violence. Ultimately, he concludes that the NATO bombing campaign only exacerbated ethnic divisions within Yugoslavia and set back any potential progress towards peace in the Balkan region.

• Parenti claims that NATO's intervention in Yugoslavia was motivated primarily by geopolitical considerations and a desire to establish military bases throughout Eastern Europe. He sees little evidence of genuine concern for protecting civilians or promoting democracy in the region.
• He accuses Western media outlets of providing biased coverage that painted Bosnian Muslims as innocent victims and demonized Serbs as brutish aggressors. This framing, according to Parenti, helped pave the way for NATO military action.
• While acknowledging the crimes committed by Serb forces against civilian populations, Parenti argues that similar war crimes occurred at the hands of Croat and Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) armed groups. Yet these actions garnered far less attention and condemnation from Western leaders and media outlets.
• Parenti contends that NATO's bombardment of Serbia resulted in numerous civilian casualties and failed to achieve its stated goals of promoting stability or deterring future aggression. Instead, he suggests, the attacks only further destabilized the region and contributed to long-term suffering among ordinary citizens caught in the crossfire.
• Parenti believes that NATO's intervention marked a dangerous precedent for unilateral use of force without clear legal authority or universal support from the global community. This trend, in his
• He emphasizes the deep historical roots of conflicts in the Balkans and the ways in which European powers played significant roles in shaping regional boundaries and identities over centuries. Understanding these dynamics helps explain why contemporary events unfolded as they did.
• Parenti criticizes liberal intellectuals who endorse imperial policies under the guise of supporting human rights or anti-fascism. He urges readers to challenge such facile justifications and instead advocate for more meaningful solutions that address underlying social problems, promote grassroots empowerment, and resist corporate domination.
• Throughout the text, Parenti stresses the value of self-critique and recognizing one's own blind spots and biases. Such reflexivity encourages more nuanced perspectives and greater sensitivity to diverse experiences beyond our immediate contexts.

Slobodan Milošević
• Parenti presents Milošević as an opportunistic politician who capitalized on ethnic polarization and nationalist sentiments to consolidate power in Serbia, while undermining pluralistic reforms implemented earlier by other Communist officials. However, Parenti also notes how political corruption and neoliberal economic reform measures pushed by the International Monetary Fund fueled popular discontent that Milošević could exploit.
• Parenti highlights instances when Milošević appeared willing to compromise with other Balkan leaders or broker agreements mitigating hostilities between various ethno-religious groups. For instance, he signed the Dayton Accords in November 1995 to bring an end to fighting in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These moves suggest Milošević recognized limits to how much Serb dominance in the region could be achieved through brute force alone.
• Parenti disputes allegations that Milošević planned and executed genocidal policies targeting Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim), Kosovar Albanian, or other populations. Instead, he suggests that local paramilitary organizations known as "Serb Volunteer Guard" (SDG) and "Army of Republic Srpska" (VRS) acted autonomously or under rival commanders to commit massacres like the infamous Srebrenica event in July 1995. Though Milošević had influence over the VRS, Parenti implies Milošević did not directly order such crimes.
• Parenti denounces Milošević for permitting or tolerating discriminatory laws passed by the Serbian parliament aimed at restricting minority rights and freedoms, including speech, religion, assembly, and cultural expression. Although he granted autonomy to regions populated mainly by Albanians.


Croatia is the Ukraine of the Balkans


This. Those fucking Catholic fascists were never punished for their WW2 bullshit because Tito was a Croat too and he explicitly designed Yugoslavia to handicap the Serbs because
<muh national minorities must be protected under socialism durrrr hurrr
even though the Serbs are objectively the most progressive peoples in that whole region.

And now look at today the average Croat shouts "For the Homeland - Ready!" (WW2 fascist Croatia slogan) without being challenged. They should have been subjugated and made to lick Serb boots for 300 years until they became enlightened enough to accept socialism.(14 c,d,e,f,g)


>This. Those fucking Catholic fascists were never punished for their WW2 bullshit because Tito was a Croat too and he explicitly designed Yugoslavia to handicap the Serbs because
This is such a dumb fucking myth so I'm not surprised a tankie believes it.


This is what Prashadists actually believe


>They should have been subjugated and made to lick Serb boots for 300 years until they became enlightened enough to accept socialism.
You are an ethnic nationalist with a thin coat of red paint.


The real tankies are the imperial core countries


damn ion shit about the balkans but how could anyone be so fucking dumb to think a NATO bombing campaign would decrease ethnic conflict like what an actual fucking braindead opinion. I know thats prolly not what the people in charge actually think but that shit really discredits the sycophantic media/journo types who talk all this shit about critical thinking and media literacy until US foreign policy is involved


>mom!!!!!! the other ethnicity is le bad!!!!!!!

log off and dont come back


File: 1685723829311.png (137.49 KB, 931x532, average croatian.png)

>I don't know history wahhh why could anyone say anything bad about Croatians
they are literally just as bad as Ukrainians the only difference is they're not receiving billions of dollars of the latest NATO weaponry to go fight Russia


>sycophantic media/journo types who talk all this shit about critical thinking and media literacy until US foreign policy is involved
working as intended


>Those fucking Catholic fascists were never punished for their WW2 bullshit because Tito was a Croat
I'm sure they had a great time in Goli Otok.


File: 1685754898491-3.png (4.12 MB, 1436x2047, nazi_to_nato.png)

File: 1685754898491-4.jpg (371.86 KB, 720x1952, senior NATO controller.jpg)

bro it's a defensive alliance bro


If you think that certain ethnicities deserve to be oppressed b/c "muh inherently reactionary peoples" you're a fucking red fash and Tito would 100% have killed you for inciting ethnic tensions were he in power today.

The nationalists whose opinion you court plan to betray and murder you the moment they come to power.


The split of "Croats" and "Serbs" is a retarded religious division of south Slavs who speak the same language. It was a mistake to legitimize this split in the first place by creating "Serb" and "Croat" territorial entities in Yugoslavia.



No, Goli Otok harbored Montenegrin Stalinists mostly. The ustashi were dealt with at Bleiburg and many karst caves across Slovenia. They were hunting down ustashi as late as the 1970s because they were operating guerilla war inside the country. Most of them were shot, of course.


No, it's not a religious division. Serbs and Croats were one of the named tribes that settled in Helm and mentioned in DAI. The split between Croatians and Serbians has mostly to do, as always, with material and historical conditions. Serbia never managed to develop manufacturing (in spite of everything in Dushan's Serbia being ready to develop that) because Turks invaded. Croats had a much better set of circumstances and had this primitive capitalistic mode of production. Hence, they also developed a very legalistic conception of the Croatian nation, while the Serbs, after getting independence, followed a weird Panslavic Russian model (it is also a fun fact that there's an ideological continuity between Russian Narodniks and Serbian socialists before Dimitrije Tucović)


Don't forget that Croatia, while constantly subjugated, managed to retain its language cause its royalty was ready to lick Habsburg boots in exchange for partial autonomy, after the kings were removed. This is why they were able to have a domestic mercantilist, and then later capitalist, class, in other words, a "national bourgeoisie".

While Serbia, credit to it, resisted and maintained its independence. That also meant that whereas in Croatia the people rallied around their national bourgeoisie, the Serbs rallied around their king, which also meant maintaining their old relations of production and feudal-like society, making industrialisation difficult.


forgot to add: this class was concentrated in the capital/north, while the coast was underdeveloped. Coast is where most soldiers/sailors for the A-H navy came from. The coast is also where a large portion of partisans came from. 1st and 2nd Dalmatian Brigade was instrumental in Bosnia and repelling the Axis forces.

What helped the partisans in Croatia was that Croatia was unified in name only (still is). In the middle, the part separating the capital and Slavonija, from Istria and coast was where a lot of Serbs came hundreds of years ago. Hence the best part to move materiel and personnel from north to coast was never fully controlled by Ustashe, saboteurs were a nuisance and Nazi Germany had to commit more and more forces to quash the saboteurs. It all turned around in 1943 after the failures of operations Weiss and Schwarz, and the failure of Nazis to take Stalingrad. Ustashe battalions had to be sent to the eastern front. Then it just became a matter of when, not if.


File: 1686083815461.jpg (378.53 KB, 654x2533, 1349130892826.jpg)

>I wanna say racist shit, and not get banned for it
>I know, I'll put on a Tankie flag!
>banned anyway


i'm always surprised when anons have such extensive knowledge of individual nations .but then again i'm a stupid ass burger so that's probably why


File: 1686173890283.png (37.61 KB, 1080x351, uljez.png)

can you spot what's wrong with this pic?


calling Bosnians Muslims? counting Montenegrins as separate from Serbs? ditto for Macedonians maybe?

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