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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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 No.18068[View All]

This video is titled The Gay Body Image Crisis by James Somerton, seemingly its a video essay about gay people's body image issues, but in actuality its just bizarre venting against fit people through ahistorical revisionism.

The main narrative presented throughout this essay is that recreational exercise. physical fitness, and bodybuilding were invented by the Nazis, based on antique statues and these were then bought to the US by gay soldiers, where it shaped first the gay sub culture and later became the mainstream image among the heteros. There are a few obvious problems with these statements.
So modern fitness training in the US started about a hundred years before the Nazi party, In addition, the bronze era of bodybuilding, began with Sandow before the turn of the century: predating WW1, So Americans, gay or straight, didn't inspiration from the SS in regard to body image and exercise.
He also makes a claim that the BMI formula was specifically invited by white supremacist and used by Nazis to find an ideal solider bodytype, so again the BMI also predates the Nazis and while the tables were developed after WW2, and they were based on mortality studies, so the normal weight category was the one with the lowestmortality rate, not the one closest to a SS-Supersoldier
The absolute most ridiculous claim he makes is that he states Ernst Röhm was killed because he was fat and hence didn't fit the image of the ideal man, while the party politics surrounding the so called Röhm coup are not even mentioned. Somerton leaves out the fact that one of Röhms greatest rivals, one who talked Hitler into killing him, was Hermann Göring – a man just as fat as Röhm. Seriously, of course this was about power and politics, not body image.

So at the end of the video Somerton, based on these misleading historical narratives, try's to shame people for being into fit people because that's what "Hitler thought was perfect." like the bodies in the clips he uses are not that uncommon in many young men, that's the bodytype of most fit healthy young men and that can be found in any race of men, I mean the whole bodypositivity, HEAS and fat acceptance movement was always ripe with body-shaming and open scorne of thinner people, that is nothing new. But the politicization of a certain body type, its identification with a political ideology, is. concerning to say the least
like guess who also heavily idealized the muscular body in their propaganda,: The Soviets and pretty much every other communist movement in the world
82 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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If communism means the only games I'll have is a hoop and a stick, I'll take it, I don't play video games


why would communism affect video game emulation y'all retarded


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i read one sentence of OP and I can already tell this is probably some kind of alphabet soup-funded video

any time you see divisive identity politics (as opposed to integration of marginalized people into the class struggle), any time you see assertions that physical fitness or knowing how to use a weapon is "fascist", any time you see complaints about AES countries somehow being more reactionary than "liberal democracies," you are dealing with a psychological operation. Think about it? Why should the left abandon physical fitness and weapons training, the only means we have to defend ourselves? How is it ableist for comrades and caretakers to take care of their own bodies so they can better defend the differently-abled from eugenicist reactionaries? Why should the most colonialist and imperialist countries on the Earth be viewed as better than the periphery just because they are "better" (for purely cynical and tactical reasons, assuming they're even better at all) on certain issues?

If the algorithm fed you this guy, it's definitely funded. Way better and more insightful shit languishes in obscurity because at the end of the day youtube is a bourgeois capitalist 1st world platform.


how often do "leftists" use weapons to defend themselves
ill give you physical fitness when dealing with antiriot teams


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>how often do "leftists" use weapons to defend themselves


are you that one guy who was insisting that physical fitness is irrelevant for modern combat, kept on bringing up the Taliban and Viet-Cong as example of why physical for warfare is some sort of capitalist scam and waste of time


firearms are cool but all this rhetoric feels ahistorical or outdated nowadays. maybe when capitalism is in its last throes will guns make a comeback, who knows

uh……………… no?


>modern fitness training in the US started about a hundred years before the Nazi party,
"umm ACTUALLY, it was a different eugenicist slave oligarchy that invented bourgeois idealism of genetic hygiene fitness culture, it was the one that had more racist laws about 'one drop of blood' than the nazis, who were influenced by them but had more moderate laws about blood purity" Very Good Fact-checking, Sir!
Curious to see this from the same corpos who did a psyop to convince people "eating fat, not sugar, causes obesity" (google about China for more info) https://miscellanynews.org/2018/12/05/opinions/sugar-industry-responsible-for-deceiving-u-s-on-fat/
>body positivity movement is basically a glowop
Neoliberalism is all about "making rational choices as an individual in the free market", I think these woke capitalists retweeting radlibs talking about mental health are cringe, but I'm still more concerned with bourgeois moralists like Kanye who still spew Oprah style anti-fat ideology despite it literally killing his own mother (!!!) with her elective cosmetic surgery. Making healthy choices is important, but that's about education and giving workers power over their own nutrition, it's not about shaming people for living in food deserts and eating processed foods because of their depression and learned helplessness.
>Why should the left abandon physical fitness and weapons training, the only means we have to defend ourselves?
The word "ourselves" is doing a lot of work here. The issue is when that praxis is just neoliberal subject individualism, like the uncanny Instagram models but commie aesthetic instead of Andrew Tate freaks. The idea of collective fitness (or learning about marital arts) stopped being a thing when racist Reaganites privatized state funded programs and made kids lose their community centers and YMCAs.


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defending yourself from reactionaries will never be outdated. would you want to be empty-handed if fascists took over?


Every time leftypol shits itself when someone doesn't care about guns it shows how American-minded everyone here is tbh, guns are literally a non-issue everywhere else. So much that gun possession is completely associated with bougie right-wingers where I live.


>The word "ourselves" is doing a lot of work here.
no shit
>The issue is when that praxis is just neoliberal subject individualism
staying healthy and defending fellow proles from fascism will never be neoliberal subject individualism. taking care of society begins with taking care of your body. The better take care of yourself the longer you can stay alive and serve your fellow proles. Imagine getting the education to become a doctor then dropping dead at 30 from heart disease. It would be a waste, not just individually, but collectively.


>staying healthy and defending fellow proles from fascism will never be neoliberal subject individualism
it literally is, sounds completely useless as opposed to just organizing

>then dropping dead at 30 from heart disease

channers dont use hyperbole and retarded analogies challenge (impossible)


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>will never be neoliberal subject individualism
<The better take care of yourself the longer you can stay alive and serve your fellow proles
The ideology goggles are too thick for you to even realize what you're saying.


>Karl Marx, a literal german: "under no pretexts should arms and ammunition be surrendered."
< wow only burgers care about this stuff, it's so outdated, the bourgeois military should have a monopoly on violence! It's literally a non issue where i live

you must live in a comfy european social democracy. maybe if you lived in the third world and burgers were drone striking your house you would feel differently, gardener.


thanks for posting a 2-century old quote to prove that not only burgers care about this shit!


Unless you don't think latin america counts as third world, nobody cares here either, lmao.


i literally am working class and take care of my grandma and my disabled mother in law and a baby. if i dropped dead of heart disease they'd be fucked. we need to restructure society so that they can rely on other people besides me, but that starts with revolution, which starts with a bunch of able bodied people taking up arms and overthrowing the ruling class. I don't have "ideology goggles" for recognizing this. Do you have anyone who depends on you for survival? What are your material conditions like?


>What are your material conditions like?
why do you guys speak like this


maybe if your government suddenly became fascist and started rounding people up you'd give a shit, moron. Do you think 3rd world insurgents resist imperialism with sticks and stones? are you going to seize the means of production with your bare hands? Are you going to go up against the might of the bourgeoisie with your bare hands? imbecile. weapons have universal relevance. perhaps this is invisible to EU gardeners who have an unsustainable social democracy that leeches off of the 3rd world


>nobody in latin america cares about weapons
lying through your teeth. Venezuela and Bolivia have fended off coup attempts in the past 5 years.


do you take care of anyone or not? i take care of people. something tells me you don't since you ignored the question


>hey do you take care of people
<heh im gonna ignore that question and try to bully you over using a word with 3 syllables

you're not trying to have an honest conversation


3rd world insurgents face subpar militaries, the fact is almost every attempt at trying to face a competent function army never works, whether its an Islamist, nationalist or communist insurgency


This doesn't make guns irrelevant at all. Goalposts are now in an entirely different field.


This reminds me of a video by Dan Olson(the Minecraft is actually colonialism guy) I watched years back, where he talked about how collective origination of people into any force, will always lead to Fascism, even when I was a lib I found that sorta dumb, like yeah it sucks when its used for Nazism but it doesn't have to be Nazism, it can do a lot of collective good as well


im not the same guy why would i answer the question




if were gonna talk about goalposts trying to get guns before having any sort of organization is fucking stupid lol


in which video does he say that? i've watched plenty of his stuff but i can't recall hearing him say anything like that


>The absolute most ridiculous claim he makes is that he states Ernst Röhm was killed because he was fat and hence didn't fit the image of the ideal man, while the party politics surrounding the so called Röhm coup are not even mentioned. Somerton leaves out the fact that one of Röhms greatest rivals, one who talked Hitler into killing him, was Hermann Göring – a man just as fat as Röhm.
LOL great find! Too bad I have no vlogging presence, I would make a response video about how that purge was really about the pro-pedicurists (Göring liked getting his nails done) VS the anti-pedicurists and that getting a pedicure is fascist, which also proves women to be ten times as fascist as men. I mean, people without hands never get a pedicure and have you ever seen one of those guys giving a Hitler salute?


>trying to get guns before having any sort of organization
literally nobody advocated this in the entire conversation. way to move the goalposts yet again


>hehehe you thought i was the same guy but i definitely was not
sure buddy


>>trying to get guns before having any sort of organization
That's literally what burgers on this shithole do ITT and all the time.


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the average american gun owner is just another flavor of the funko pop collector


Breadtube has really become some of the most terminally idealist-brained bullshit imaginable. It's pampered ex-theater kids doing bits in Dario Argento lighting while talking about how a 90s children's cartoon was culturally backwards by modern standards.

God forbid you see any of these terminally-online PMC weirdos do actual materialist or class analysis.


>fatsoc comment


uhhh a patsoc would be progun lmfao..


Bruh, breadtube has been shit since they lost purpose in early 2018 and basically nonexistent since 2020 when the patronbux ran out. Where are you seeing any of this?


They can't do that because they are bourgeois approved political dissemination bots who beg like lumpen hobos for money all fucking day spouting anti-communist or bourgeois socialist nonsense, all from within their fucking mansions


I wouldn't even call them pmc class. They are blatantly lumpenprole. They arent professionals of or managing anything. They just beg like fucking hobos and play minecraft.


sounds based actually


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No, this is the most BreadTube take: 'Um, sweetie, the Chinese and Russian revolutions happened because the people were just jealous'


I wonder what haz will say once he makes a million


>millionaires are fine
Unironically correct. Like who gives a shit if some petite-bourgeois fuck own a yacht or something. Big picture. Not to mention, "millionaire" is symbolically a shorthand for living in luxury, not having to worry about money. That is a goal of lot of proles, completely understandable one I might add. Railing against millionaires just turns them off, paints communist movement as something that seeks to cut the tall poppy rather than ensure everyone gets to enjoy their life to the fullest.

>Chinese and Russian revolutions happened because the people were just jealous

End of that video, where she talks about socialism, was awful, probably the worst take I ever heard her proclaim, but somehow unrelated, when it comes to support for social movements, "objective" living standards seem to be secondary to "subjective" ones, meaning a gap between real living standards and expectations.


fat hands typed these posts


I mean he was already raised by a millionarie or billionaire, his dad. No?


majority of breadtuber vidoes could be cut in half or even quarter length, if they didn't focus on the pointless theatrics and insert unrelated tangents about pop-culture shit


Wow this is accurate. It goes along a step further where beauty is determined on facial features, not an attribute you can control exactly. Being fat or being fit is for the most part, controllable and requires effort.


>Today it is the working class that are fat.
Go take a look at the U.S. Congress and claim they’re working class


>petite-bourgeois fuck own a yacht or something.
The petite-bourgeois are not owning a fucking yacht. They’re your typical small business owners that are often poorer than welders.
The people who own yachts ARE the problem. They run the country and the world, it’s their fault. That’s the whole point in revolutionary socialism.


>That’s the whole point in revolutionary socialism.
i thought the point was dismantling capital and class division not focusing on rich fucks

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