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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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>Parametricism is an architectural style based on computer technology and algorithms. The concept emerged from the digital animation techniques of the mid-1990s, but has risen in prominence in the early-21st century with the development of advanced parametric design.

Stop larping Brutalism, the real redpill of the Future is just to let Zaha Hadid style architects design everything. Functionalism is the doctrine that the design of an object should be determined solely by its function, rather than by aesthetic considerations, and that anything practically designed will be inherently beautiful. Parametricism IMO is just functionalism updated to use computer technology.

I believe that parametricism is the best synthesis of functionalism, with islamic architecture influences but based on algorithmic fractal art, sacralizing cyber-pragmatic. Thanks to computer technology we are no longer limited to platonic forms like cubes that may not be the best use of space, material, or even the most aesthetically appealing.


Are the computers gonna build the fancy structures mostly destined to store investor capital and line bourgeois pockets? Or will those be proles? With cube shaped bricks?


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Interesting but IMO too sleek and twisty compared to based concrete boxes. The solid monolithic concrete and simple but imaginative angles and features of brutalism make me feel like I'm at home again. I'm in the concrete womb of a bold communized living space and I get to larp as retvrning to an era before cybernetics and constant stimuli shaped the human psyche to the point of fetishizing the idea of the organic. Is this in any way true? Did this ever even exist in the first place? Wasn't it kind of Ironic that baudriltaird painted his studios walls in imitation of that feudal count's frescos imitatiting the view on the other side?
I don't know. but I do know that smelling the petchor in the concrete during a rain is comfi and makes me feel in communion with a higher power that exists inside and beyond me, with functionally a communized nature. Concrete Commi Mommi. I return to the womb and to my early days of youth when the world was young once more. The thought of it now also makes me feel extremely horny for some reason.


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Interesting but IMO too sleek and twisty compared to based concrete boxes. The solid monolithic concrete and simple but imaginative angles and features of brutalism make me feel like I'm at home again. I'm in the concrete womb of a bold communized living space and I get to larp as retvrning to an era before cybernetics and constant stimuli shaped the human psyche to the point of fetishizing the idea of the organic. Is this in any way true? Did this ever even exist in the first place? Wasn't it kind of Ironic that baudriltaird painted his studios walls in imitation of that feudal count's frescos imitatiting the view on the other side?
I don't know. but I do know that smelling the petchor in the concrete during a rain is comfi and makes me feel in communion with a higher power that exists inside and beyond me, with functionally a communized nature. Concrete Commi Mommi. I return to the womb and to my early days of youth when the world was young once more. The thought of it now also makes me feel extremely horny for some reason.

I thought we had a specific architecture thread but some cool stuff here: >>>/hobby/4652


Reminds me too much of UAE and the shit-tastic Hermann Tilke F1 tracks.


I dream of a Zaha Hadid socialist nation too. China already has many of their works and more provinces are inviting them to build. Got the feels ! ❤️



I'd rather build 60s style prefabs with good quality of life and long service lives


ironically the current CEO of Hadid's company and her successor is an unironic ancap see: >>1492623


sucks. posadas NOW!
posadas shinrikyo syncretic solidarity.


concrete boxes > metal-glass blobs
what happens if you need to change one of the curved beams or windows? or if at some point you want to use the building for something else? every single part of these shapeless structures was custom made for each particular building, it is the opposite of functionalism, modularity, and standardization

these things are just prestige buildings, the style is not sustainable, it will never become actually widespread, unlike the brutalist style in eastern europe


Sure, it takes advance fabrication to repair, but how many old buildings get renovated vs demolished? My main gripe is that this new architectural style doesn't employ new building materials like self-healing concrete.


> My main gripe is that this new architectural style doesn't employ new building materials like self-healing concrete.
that can easily be modified since im pretty sure parametricism is mainly about the shapes and curves of a building and relatively agnostic on the material, that is when they dont go concrete like brutalism

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