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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Hey /leftypol/. Why does proletarian organization even matter (except of ethical considerations), if revolutionary development of society is determined by the fact of productive forces expanding and destroying the previously established property relations? I mean, yes, exploitation is horrible, but it's not solidarity of serfs that ended the Middle Ages? By this logic, shouldn't communists focus on pushing technological development to pump the productive forces to drive the bourgeoise property relations to the revolutionary breaking point? Sorry if this is a common question that arises during studies of Marx, just wanted to hear your opinions - or you can just refer me to a secondary source, would be thankful otherwise! Cheers.


People who say productive forces trump production relations are following their material interests to get rich while they kick the can down the road on transitioning to socialism.


My wages in real terms are falling lad or lass yet I firmly declare that in theory productive forces trumps production relations, because a massive quantative increase in productive forces is more determinitive for a qualitative change in production relations In praxis it is the opposite, especially since workers do not control the means of production so cannot demand an increase in the organic composition in capital


Material conditions (development of productive forces) determine the possibility of the revolution - if the forces aren't developed to a certain point, then there is no possibility for a revolution. If it happens, then it's doomed unless it is ruled by some revolutionary advance in the productive forces, not because of the (although admirable) zealous work of the revolutionaries. What's wrong with this logic? I'm trying to follow Marx's logic and so far there seems to be some sort of the economic determinism he postulates and the belief in proletariat's exceptional fate and status.


And yet, under production relations where the workers do not have control, an increase in the productive forces further concentrates capital ownership, at the same time as conditions for the workers deteriorate and the class relations become further entrenched.
>workers do not control the means of production so cannot demand an increase in the organic composition in capital
Workers control their labor power and can leverage that to make all sorts of demands if they are sufficiently organized and class conscious. The organic composition of capital is and has been (at least indirectly) a significant aspect of labor struggle throughout history, particularly since under capitalist relations of production an intensification of capital in production has been associated with layoffs and increased poverty, whereas under socialist relations the same sort of capital intensification results in freeing up of workers' time without throwing them to the chaos of the labor market. It is therefore the production relations that over-determine the consequences of an increase in productive forces.

>Material conditions (development of productive forces) determine the possibility of the revolution
Why did the German revolution fail and the Russian revolution succeed then?


Russian revolution failed, just slowly.


>but it's not solidarity of serfs that ended the Middle Ages
it wasn't about serfs but about merchants and such


You can't say that they truly won.


If only they'd liberated Berlin from the literal Nazis the first time around


The numerical quantity of the working class is one of the main things that distinguishes it enough from previous class relations and makes it possible for the complete dissolution of class relations wholesale.
>if revolutionary development of society is determined by the fact of productive forces
Also this is ideology, economism. Marxism is material forces + social relations.
>yet I firmly declare that in theory productive forces trumps production relations
Good thing scientific socialism doesn't develop by the anecdotal perceptions by some anon dude on leftist politically incorrect then.

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