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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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How is prison abolitionism supposed to work? Am I supposed to sit here and earnestly believe there isn’t a certain amount of people who simply need to be segregated from society due to extremely anti social tendencies?


1. kill the unreformable
2. reform the reformable


Good to know this fucking gorilla image is still used here


my ancestor


This. The anarchists (the post-civ kind in particular) oppose the prison system primarily because it's a tool of the state to enforce its monopoly on violence. Now, if you and your homies have a rifle by your side…


I don't know what "prison abolitionism" is, but Sweden and North Korea send people to work on farms instead of putting them in cages.

Mostly agree with >>19728
Without government and prison-industrial complex, there would be less actual crime and literally nobody would get jailed for victimless crimes like growing plants or collecting rain

…and the remaining disputes can get solved by people with or without violence. Guns are an option, not a requirement for dispute resolution.
Reminder that not-so-great Britain had to give up any attempts to rule India not because people protested in the streets or resisted violently, but because too many people (not even a majority) refused to follow orders they deemed immoral. Shame they missed the opportunity to also get rid of their own government.


In theory you could screen anti-social tendencies before people are born.


>In theory
>genes dictate (anti)social behaviour
Theories that contradict all empirical evidence, no evidence to support them, should be called "hypotheses" if you want to be polite or "bullshit" if you want to be honest.
like virolology


>epigenetics dictate (anti)social behaviour
Fixed that for you. Leftoids sure love idealism when it comes to human nature.


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prisons will be necessary if only to put stupid people like OP in them


Where did anyone ever say communism = no prisons


You put them in houses that are next door to prison abolitionists. Let them sort it out.


Under socialism everyone will be put in prison, therefore the distinction between prisoners and free men will be abolished.


higher-stage barracks communism


>me when I get arrested
Look mum! I am practising socialism!


What the fuck even is that comic.


Angela Davis was going around shilling for the idea. Its just another Left-Liberal import cloaking itself as 'Marxism'.


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If you lump all systems of incarceration or rehabilitation that involve coercion under the "prison" umbrella, to the point that you include things like community policing and restorative justice, then by implication you are equivocating ALL such systems and obscuring genuine differences between them. There are a lot of socialists who are eager to shoot themselves in the foot making arguments like this, and it's usually based on a desire to chest-thump for sectarian bullshit.

Somebody might, for example, defend the Soviet gulag system as being more humane and rational than the US prison system. This is reasonable to do, since the gulags were attempting to reform people and tried to give them something meaningful to do in terms of work or training, while the US prison system is really only interested in trapping people into a life of crime because they are driven by profit and make more money the more prisoners the state has to pay for. Pretty obvious and important qualitative difference there. However, many who jump to defend the gulag system, when the topic of prison abolition comes up, also jump at the opportunity to claim that any proposed "non-prison" system for dealing with crime is equally a prison in the last analysis. But if even the extreme forms of prison abolition is "still prison" and "just as bad or worse" than the capitalist status quo, that means AES with demonstrably less worse criminal justice systems are being dismissed in those accomplishments. In other words, there is a tendency of some socialists throwing their own radical criticism (and real world examples) under the bus if it means they get to shit on "anarchists" or "red liberals" or whatever label they want to use (prison abolition is not exclusive to any one tendency).

Unfortunately, communism needs to be defended from vulgarizers who will dismiss radical critiques as utopian and make the bourgeois claim that things can't be different from how they are now under capitalism.


its ok guys we dont need prisons in communism, all we need to do is perform surveillance on citizens around the clock 24/7

no one is immune to bourgeois influence or hitler particles, we must make sure our socialist state is a prison in of itself, this is what marx said btw


>this is what marx said btw

Ok anon but WHAT DO YOU SAY ?
A r e u sure we should do like that , are u sure about u sure, are u sure?!? I-I don't want any prison, scaaary , uwaaaa
So anon , what do U say!


The portrait of a childish understanding of deterrents.


well, her personal prison abolition was a success - for the small price of becoming a glowie she got away with it


i think you should kys


people with Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) which is the up to date name for psychopathy, who can have tendencies to act violently for their own enjoyment if they have sadistic traits, can be helped with therapy in many cases. And if their economic, political, and material conditions are reformed it's likely they would not be encouraged to become legitimately dangerous and violent criminals, because crime isn't needed under socialism and communism.

It's a slow and careful process, not immediately letting murderers and pedophiles out of prison with no care like libs might advocate for not understanding. But to transform the society radically to the point where prison isn't needed




Good post


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>How is prison abolitionism supposed to work
If we are to be serious in our sloganing of 'fire to the prisons' and so on we need to have hard and serious talks about who are not suited for civil society, that is; who we leave in the prisons when we burn them down.
In my conversations about this with comrades I like to advocate that the prisoners themselves should decide. As we see in many prison riots the prisoners usually use the time of the autonomous prison to exact beatings or death on the known prolific prisoners, that is your psychos and predators, child rapists and the like. The kind of people who will never fit in to a society.
Easy solution.

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