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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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what do you think about the sokal affair?

idk much about sociology or poster modernism but it feels like an attack on leftism? even though alan sokal himself says he was a leftist and was trying to dissuade it from going somewhere weird

but all the "destroys postermodernism" youtube thumbnails i see when i search this, eerily remind me of the other rightwing shit of "destroys sjws" type

i saw a few lines and it just reads like incomprehensible jargon? i couldn't tell if it was parody honestly if i didn't know, scientific mumbo jumbo


He got a nonsense article published in a journal that didn't even have a peer review process. It was a publicity stunt.


There's way bigger scandals in academia like the replication crisis, but sokal affair was "owning the libs" so it gets more attention.


>idk much about sociology or poster modernism but it feels like an attack on leftism?
You can just read their (Sokal & Bricmont) book on the hoax, Fashionable Nonsense. It's on libgen. The journal they trolled was rather obscure. They put an astonishing amount of time into researching into the phenomenon that they were criticizing with that hoax (self-styled radical leftists abusing niche jargon from math and physics they don't seem to understand themselves). Their criticism of some writers of the "left" was really limited to that.

The "Sokal Affair" is whatever the MSM wants it to be, so Sokal being pro-Palestine or whatever else being inconvenient for the flow of the story can just be dropped. If they want to tell the story of an epic conservative teacher owning SJWs, they do that. They don't have to explicitly lie, they can just use suggestive language and omission.

There have been many copy-cats getting crap published (and not just the humanities, but also computer science), some of which has been generated by AI far more primitive than what we have seen over the last couple of years.


Fuck postmodernism.


What about post-post-modernism

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